Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: 基本項目

Price: 100 / 10.000
Stacked: 100

Used in craft for following items

☆任平生 (85)
Recipe: 覆霜85级绿双剑
Amount needed: 30

☆百人斩 (85)
Recipe: 覆霜85级绿单刀
Amount needed: 30

☆定八荒 (85)
Recipe: 覆霜85级绿双锤
Amount needed: 30

☆盘古斧 (85)
Recipe: 覆霜85级绿长斧
Amount needed: 30

☆岁月催 (85)
Recipe: 覆霜85级绿长刀
Amount needed: 30

☆沧海笑 (85)
Recipe: 覆霜85级绿长枪
Amount needed: 30

☆楚天阔 (85)
Recipe: 覆霜85级绿弓
Amount needed: 30

☆暗香来 (85)
Recipe: 覆霜85级绿弩
Amount needed: 30

☆忘机 (85)
Recipe: 覆霜85级绿短杖
Amount needed: 30

☆焚玉 (85)
Recipe: 覆霜85级绿蟠杖
Amount needed: 30

Show All recipes Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 雷音狂龙 150 - , weak 土 2877663 20.8333
2 贺兰秋山 150 - , weak 土 9022130 20.2957
3 贺兰秋雪 150 - , weak 土 9022130 19.6237
4 魔哭九婴 150 - , weak 土 2877663 18.9068
5 芳华寂灭 150 - , weak 土 7059396 18.0108
6 劈海尊者 150 - , weak 土 7059396 16.6129
7 吞佛魔使 150 - , weak 土 4877594 16.6129
8 冰雪之怒 150 - , weak 土 4877594 16.1290
9 炽天凤凰 150 - , weak 土 4877594 16.1290
10 飚煞陀罗 150 - , weak 土 2877663 16.1290
11 广目人马 150 - , weak 土 2877663 14.9194
12 雪魔·百人将 89 - , weak 金 524415 8.7500
13 雪魔·风影 89 - No elements 640950 8.7500
14 冰魅 88 - , weak 土 161920 7.2222
15 风使 87 - , weak 火 153935 6.6667
16 冰魅王 89 - , weak 土 524415 6.5625
17 冰魈王 89 - , weak 土 524415 6.5625
18 雪魔·百人将 89 - , weak 金 524415 6.5625
19 雪魔·百人将 89 - , weak 金 524415 6.5625
20 雪魔·百人将 89 - , weak 金 524415 6.5625
21 雪魔·百人将 89 - , weak 金 524415 6.5625
22 雪魔·百人将 89 - , weak 金 524415 6.5625
23 雪魔·百人将 89 - , weak 金 524415 6.5625
24 风使王 89 - , weak 火 524415 6.5625
25 风灵王 89 - , weak 火 524415 6.5625
26 雪魔·五灵使 85 - No elements 442035 6.2500
27 覆霜座熊 86 - , weak 木 150620 6.1112
28 冰魈 84 - , weak 土 143255 5.0000
29 雪魔·五灵使 85 - No elements 442035 4.6875
30 雪魔·五灵使 85 - No elements 442035 4.6875
31 雪魔·五灵使 85 - No elements 442035 4.6875
32 雪魔·五灵使 85 - No elements 442035 4.6875
33 雪魔·五灵使 85 - No elements 442035 4.6875
34 雪魔·五灵使 85 - No elements 442035 4.6875
35 风灵 83 - , weak 火 140085 4.4445
36 雪眼 82 - , weak 土 27391 3.2456 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!