Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: 原料
Subtype: 基本材料 / 石材类

Price: 1 / 1.440
Stacked: 100


Can be purchased in Item Mall (Alt + O in game)


Tab: 其它 - 矿产

Price: 3 Gold

Amount: 25

Award from quest

᝜第3关 (0) Amount: 3
ឺ第3关 (0) Amount: 3
ោ第3关 (0) Amount: 3

Used in craft for following items

☆炽天戒 (68)
Recipe: 炽天戒
Amount needed: 3

☆回天戒 (58)
Recipe: 回天戒
Amount needed: 2

☆火眼项链 (52)
Recipe: 火眼项链
Amount needed: 2

☆血影项链 (62)
Recipe: 血影项链
Amount needed: 2

☆梨花枪 (55)
Recipe: 闪空之矛
Amount needed: 4

☆眉间刀 (52)
Recipe: 决阵长刀
Amount needed: 4

广法棍 (51)
Recipe: 广法棍
Amount needed: 7

☆嘶风镗 (58)
Recipe: 嘶风镗
Amount needed: 5

☆雁翎枪 (65)
Recipe: 腾蛟之矛
Amount needed: 6

☆银鲤刀 (62)
Recipe: 冷艳锯
Amount needed: 6

Show All recipes

Harvest from


夺宝宝箱 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
᷶群芳髓 0 8 Required to finish quest
᷷剑南春 0 10 Required to finish quest
ᥬ中级巧匠 50+ 10 Required to finish quest
એ学习四级巧匠技能 0 20 Required to finish quest
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 晶石之子 42 - , weak 木 6605 0.0541
2 岩石之子 41 - , weak 木 6365 0.0535
3 护卫墓碑 40 英雄冢
432 527 (22)
, weak 木 6130 0.0524
4 砾石之子 40 - , weak 木 6130 0.0524
5 砂石之子 39 - , weak 木 5899 0.0458
6 长者墓碑 38 - , weak 木 5488 0.0450 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!