Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: 原料
Subtype: 基本材料 / 石材类

Price: 1 / 2.000
Stacked: 100


Can be purchased in Item Mall (Alt + O in game)


Tab: 其它 - 矿产

Price: 4 Gold

Amount: 30

Used in craft for following items

☆透甲枪 (75)
Recipe: 掣风之矛
Amount needed: 5

☆象鼻刀 (72)
Recipe: 绝情斩
Amount needed: 5

☆凤翅镗 (78)
Recipe: 韦陀杵
Amount needed: 6

☆腾蛟枪 (85)
Recipe: 破城枪
Amount needed: 7

☆春秋刀 (82)
Recipe: 鬼怒长刀
Amount needed: 7

降龙棍 (81)
Recipe: 降龙棍
Amount needed: 4

☆九曲镗 (88)
Recipe: 修罗杵
Amount needed: 7

菩提杖 (91)
Recipe: 菩提杖
Amount needed: 5

激浊棍 (101)
Recipe: 激浊棍
Amount needed: 9

☆旋风斧 (77)
Recipe: 旋风斧
Amount needed: 6

Show All recipes

Harvest from

刚玉石矿 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
᷸古井贡 0 10 Required to finish quest
᷹流霞醉 0 15 Required to finish quest
స学习六级巧匠技能 0 100 Required to finish quest
ઑ学习五级巧匠技能 0 50 Required to finish quest
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 屠城岩怪 96 城战1
397 580 (19)
, weak 木 230941 0.1920
2 屠城精冥 97 城战1
414 580 (19)
, weak 木 193453 0.1619
3 冥·象罔 104 - , weak 木 779205 0.1550
4 冥·荒落 103 - , weak 木 762060 0.1501
5 冥·在渊 104 - , weak 木 779205 0.1500
6 冥·在渊 93 神月谷
437 524 (22)
, weak 木 181166 0.1500
7 冥·荒落 93 神月谷
437 524 (22)
, weak 木 60389 0.1500
8 冥·象罔 93 神月谷
439 517 (22)
, weak 木 60389 0.1500
9 魔碑 60 天劫谷
389 553 (31)
, weak 木 40212 0.1494
10 圣碑 59 天劫谷
394 551 (31)
, weak 木 39158 0.1165
11 鬼狱守卫 86 鬼狱幻境
406 528 (34)
, weak 木 36818 0.0632
12 上古岩妖 83 - , weak 木 155647 0.0616
13 岩甲妖 83 完美大陆-中陆
281 810 (24)
, weak 木 155647 0.0616 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!