Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: 原料
Subtype: 基本材料 / 织物

Price: 1 / 720
Stacked: 100


Can be purchased in Item Mall (Alt + O in game)


Tab: 其它 - 材料

Price: 3 Gold

Amount: 50

Used in craft for following items

☆通幽杖 (51)
Recipe: 通幽杖
Amount needed: 8

☆逝水幡 (57)
Recipe: 惊涛幡杖
Amount needed: 9

☆启明杖 (61)
Recipe: 玄晶杖
Amount needed: 11

☆招魂幡 (67)
Recipe: 水龙吟
Amount needed: 12

Without Name
Recipe: 剑魂三级
Amount needed: 15

Without Name
Recipe: 鳐精三级
Amount needed: 15

Without Name
Recipe: 翅灵三级
Amount needed: 15

Without Name
Recipe: 剑魂四级
Amount needed: 20

Without Name
Recipe: 鳐精四级
Amount needed: 20

Without Name
Recipe: 翅灵四级
Amount needed: 20

Show All recipes

Harvest from

夺宝宝箱 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
୤收集修补材料 0 10 Required to finish quest
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 幽冥守卫 42 - No elements 40685 12.2537
2 幽冥守卫 38 幽冥居
429 591 (34)
, weak 金 27659 10.5954
3 亡命囚徒 55 - , weak 木 13567 9.5987
4 幽冥倩女 42 幽冥居
400 524 (33)
No elements 15845 8.1084
5 幽冥女鬼 42 幽冥居
405 522 (33)
No elements 19366 8.1084
6 幽冥蛮鬼王 41 - , weak 火 22457 8.0085
7 邪恶海贼 44 完美大陆-中陆
631 872 (22)
, weak 火 36575 7.9137
8 幽冥祭司 40 幽冥居
406 534 (34)
, weak 火 14706 7.8147
9 生存活动 150 - , weak 火 16829100 7.7652
10 秦陵将军 150 - No elements 1296738 7.7652
11 秦陵将军 45 完美大陆-中陆
644 882 (22)
, weak 火 181170 7.7652
12 阴魔 45 英雄冢
405 556 (22)
, weak 金 181170 7.7652
13 阴魔 150 - No elements 1296738 7.7652
14 暗灵·殇 45 - , weak 火 37865 7.7522
15 暗灵·殇 16 完美大陆-中陆
183 269 (20)
, weak 火 28740 7.7522
16 暗灵 35 英雄冢
432 517 (22)
, weak 金 37460 7.4910
17 幽冥尸魔 39 幽冥居
439 592 (33)
, weak 金 14152 7.3417
18 幽冥火蛮巫 39 - , weak 火 20812 7.3417
19 腐恶尸魔 40 - , weak 金 6130 7.2953
20 幽冥行尸 38 幽冥居
448 571 (33)
, weak 金 13165 7.2058
21 上古行尸 39 英雄冢
412 544 (22)
, weak 金 5899 6.4350
22 刃角蛮牛 20 完美大陆-中陆
139 203 (22)
, weak 金 1342 6.4153
23 天雨曼陀罗 20 完美大陆-中陆
103 248 (20)
, weak 土 1342 6.4153
24 失魂狼 20 完美大陆-中陆
113 267 (20)
No elements 1342 6.4153
25 尖嘴嘟嘟鸟 20 完美大陆-中陆
105 250 (20)
No elements 1342 6.4153
26 彩羽鸟 20 完美大陆-中陆
139 209 (25)
No elements 1342 6.4153
27 灭灵力士 20 完美大陆-中陆
150 197 (22)
, weak 火 1342 6.4153
28 灵兔 20 完美大陆-中陆
140 216 (22)
No elements 40260 6.4153
29 玄天魔眼 60 完美大陆-中陆
428 409 (44)
, weak 水 350610 6.4153
30 玄天魔眼 150 - No elements 1296738 6.4153
31 破灵斥候 20 完美大陆-中陆
107 261 (20)
No elements 1342 6.4153
32 缚灵者 20 完美大陆-中陆
144 200 (22)
, weak 金 1342 6.4153
33 元帅枯骨 38 - , weak 火 5488 6.3193
34 蛮灵力士 43 - , weak 火 296764 3.2186
35 幽冥火巫 40 - , weak 火 21627 1.6718
36 妖狮十夫长 49 完美大陆-中陆
318 565 (53)
, weak 水 7403 0.0600
37 妖狮法师 49 完美大陆-中陆
336 574 (53)
, weak 水 7403 0.0600
38 妖狮狂战士 49 完美大陆-中陆
306 578 (53)
, weak 水 7403 0.0600
39 妖虎神射王 49 完美大陆-中陆
310 563 (52)
, weak 木 7403 0.0600 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!