Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: Basic Items

Price: 1 / 100.000
Stacked: 9999


Award from quest

䟬記念品 (0)
䵞パーフェクトBOX (0)
丟精霊暖暖包 (0)
仟完美支援BOX (0)
仹予定のクジ (0)
佮1等賞 (0)
刀台服10.3月くじ (0)
厉幸運の珊瑚 (0)
叚Lucky Coral (0)
叛ハイパーBOX (0)

Show All Quests

Used in craft for following items

☆慈雨の剣 (95)
Recipe: 単剣レシピ(紫)
Amount needed: 1

☆不知影 (95)
Recipe: 単刀レシピ(黄)
Amount needed: 1

☆エターナルエッジ (95)
Recipe: 双刀レシピ(紫)
Amount needed: 1

☆バーストスピアー (95)
Recipe: 長刀レシピ(紫)
Amount needed: 1

☆龍鱗の斧 (95)
Recipe: 双斧レシピ(紫)
Amount needed: 1

☆ハウルハンマー (95)
Recipe: 大槌レシピ(紫)
Amount needed: 1

☆天上天下の拳 (95)
Recipe: グローブレシピ(紫)
Amount needed: 1

☆アサシンクロー (95)
Recipe: 鋭い刃レシピ(紫)
Amount needed: 1

☆インテントボウ (95)
Recipe: 弓の矢レシピ(紫)
Amount needed: 1

☆心象の弾弓 (95)
Recipe: 弾弓レシピ(紫)
Amount needed: 1

Show All recipes Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Item can be crafted
Recipe: 2016日本新彩票兑换03

神月の破片 (8)

Probability to create: 100.00%


Recipe: 2016日本新彩票兑换50

神月の鍵·霊 (2)

Probability to create: 100.00%

交換の女神 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!