Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: 黄装材料
Subtype: 基本材料 / 能源類

Price: 1 / 2.000
Stacked: 100


Can be purchased in Item Mall (Alt + O in game)


Tab: その他 - 鉱物

Price: 90 Silver

Amount: 30

Used in craft for following items

Without Name
Recipe: 剣の魂Lv6
Amount needed: 30

Without Name
Recipe: エイのエキスLv6
Amount needed: 30

Without Name
Recipe: 翅霊Lv6
Amount needed: 30

Recipe: Lv3绫罗配合方法
Amount needed: 2

☆精霊の法剣 (74)
Recipe: アークセイバー
Amount needed: 5

☆タイプツール (79)
Recipe: 五行の法具
Amount needed: 6

☆ホーリーグラム (84)
Recipe: 三界の剣
Amount needed: 7

☆オーロラツール (89)
Recipe: 六道の法具
Amount needed: 7

☆スターリング (78)
Recipe: スターリング
Amount needed: 3

☆灼熱の指輪 (88)
Recipe: 灼熱の指輪
Amount needed: 3

Show All recipes

Harvest from

火成炭鉱 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
᷸古井貢 0 10 Required to finish quest
᷹流霞酔 0 15 Required to finish quest
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 デビルズイト 88 -Devil's illusion-
388 533 (26)
Fire, weak Water 141452 0.1859
2 ウィッカイト 90 -Devil's illusion-
396 550 (26)
Fire, weak Water 163350 0.1856
3 ウランジ 103 - Fire, weak Water 2032160 0.1501
4 バク 103 - Fire, weak Water 762060 0.1501
5 ウランジ 93 -The Lunar Glade-
390 518 (22)
Fire, weak Water 181166 0.1500
6 バク 93 -The Lunar Glade-
390 523 (22)
Fire, weak Water 60389 0.1500
7 プーシャン 102 - Fire, weak Water 745170 0.1500
8 プーシャン 93 -The Lunar Glade-
393 524 (22)
Fire, weak Water 60389 0.1500
9 ウランジ 93 -The Lunar Glade-
395 541 (22)
Fire, weak Water 603885 0.0996
10 バク 93 -The Lunar Glade-
393 541 (22)
Fire, weak Water 402590 0.0996
11 プーシャン 92 -The Lunar Glade-
393 541 (22)
Fire, weak Water 392900 0.0996
12 ハームハモナイズ 110 -Celestial World-
338 627 (36)
Fire, weak Water 1314461 0.0765
13 ボイドフレーム 108 -Misty City-
410 520 (55)
Fire, weak Water 266633 0.0762
14 ボイドパイロマ 109 -Misty City-
405 522 (57)
Fire, weak Water 272399 0.0761
15 ヴァルナグニ 90 World
185 973 (21)
Fire, weak Water 207761 0.0713
16 プリズンデフ 87 -Ethernal Land-
411 540 (34)
Fire, weak Water 30787 0.0638 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!