Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: 補填材料
Subtype: 指輪 / 金属の指輪
Used by character(s): someclasstoupdate2, someclass, 月仙, 夜影, 召喚師, 剣士, 精霊師, 弓使い, 暗殺師, 妖獣, 妖精, 魂術師, 魔導師, 戦士
LV. 14
Physical attack 115
Level Required: 115

Price: 43.560 / 87.120
Stacked: 1

Decompose to: 12 完美石 (Price: 60.000)

Destroyed to: 6 完美石

Items Addons:


五行防御 +200

力 +7~8

クリティカル +1% Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Item can be crafted
Recipe: 金銀銅鉄の指輪13

最高級木材 (25)

特級合金鋼 (25)

砂金 (25)

特級骸炭 (25)


Probability to create: 100.00%

Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 スピルブレイク 113 -Misty City-
378 585 (57)
Metal, weak Fire 1345150 12.6092 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!