Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Divine Honor of the Void
Type: Basic Items

Price: 1 / 1
Stacked: 9999

A swirling, multi-colored reward for completing Divine Contracts.
Exchange for items with a Divine Emissary in Archosaur.
It reads: 'All that rises will fall.'

Award from quest

Demonic Acephalids (95 - 100)
Helltoads (95 - 100)
Jackelman Slaves (95 - 100)
Damned Gaurnob (91 - 100)
Cenequus Polearm (91 - 100)
Stygean Quartermaster (91 - 100)
Peachyard Treerats (95 - 100) Amount: 2
Earthen Souls (95 - 100) Amount: 2
Dragon Prince Loong (91 - 100)
Voidweavers (101+)

Show All Quests

Used in craft for following items

Mysterious Chip
Recipe: N/A库任务神秘筹码
Amount needed: 1

Limb Poultice of Death (90)
Recipe: N/A库任务七杀断续膏
Amount needed: 1

Vigor Pills of Death (90)
Recipe: N/A库任务七杀熊蛇丸
Amount needed: 1

Runecrafting Skill Lv4
Recipe: N/A库任务打磨精通4级
Amount needed: 4

Runecrafting Skill Lv5
Recipe: N/A库任务打磨精通5级
Amount needed: 8

Runecrafting Skill Lv6
Recipe: N/A库任务打磨精通6级
Amount needed: 16

Advanced Runecrafting
Recipe: N/A库任务打磨精通7级
Amount needed: 32

Divine Honor of the Light
Recipe: N/A库任务低阶七杀令
Amount needed: 1

Divine Honor of the Shadow
Recipe: N/A库任务中阶七杀令
Amount needed: 1 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!