Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: Materials
Subtype: Basic Materials / Stones

Price: 1.300 / 2.600
Stacked: 100

Special polish for producing equipment.

Can be purchased in Item Mall (Alt + O in game)


Tab: Others - Mats 1

Price: 2 Gold 50 Silver

Amount: 30

Award from quest

Happiness Pack (0)
Old Silver Case (0) Amount: 20
Old Golden Case (0) Amount: 20
Craftsman Case (0) Amount: 20

Used in craft for following items

☆Voidflash Spear (95)
Recipe: Millionman Dare
Amount needed: 6

☆Warflame Scythe (92)
Recipe: InfiniteMight Blade
Amount needed: 6

☆Cloud Swallower (98)
Recipe: Divisor Pestle
Amount needed: 7

☆Bloodrain Spear (105)
Recipe: Spear of Fountain
Amount needed: 8

☆Disaster Scythe (102)
Recipe: Kimyin Long Blade
Amount needed: 8

☆Hero's Mace (108)
Recipe: Pestle of True Dragon
Amount needed: 8

☆Rainbow Spear (115)
Recipe: Bloodrain Spear
Amount needed: 9

☆Ghostrage Scythe (112)
Recipe: Nine Doom Spear
Amount needed: 9

PureRising Staves (111)
Recipe: PureRising Staves
Amount needed: 3

☆Devil Lord's Mace (118)
Recipe: Braveghost Pestle
Amount needed: 9

Show All recipes

Harvest from

Granite Rock

Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
Tukang's Wine 0 15 Required to finish quest
Wine of Sorrow 0 20 Required to finish quest
Learn Grade 7 C.Skill 0 100 Required to finish quest Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!