Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Broad Magic Staff
Type: Weapons
Subtype: Spears / Staff
Close Range
LV. 7
Attack Speed 1
Attack Range 4
Physical attack 167-252

Str required 105
Agi required 55

Level Required: 51

Price: 26.400 / 105.600
Stacked: 1

Craft Rate with 0 socket(s): 50%
Craft Rate with 1 socket(s): 45%
Craft Rate with 2 socket(s): 5%

Drop rate with 0 socket(s): 60%
Drop rate with 1 socket(s): 40%

Items Addons:


Attack +35 - 3.9%

Max Attack +60 - 3.9%

Attack Interval -0.1 second - 0.62%

HP +125 - 5.35%

MP +160 - 16.05%

Strength +2~3 - 1.4%

Dexterity +2~3 - 1.4%

Constitution +2~3 - 1.4%

Critical +1% - 0.92%

Critical +2% - 0.39%

Hit +98 - 3.06%

Physical Damage Reduction +1% - 5.1%

Physical Damage Reduction +2% - 2.87%

Attribute Requirements -10% - 12.64%

Attribute Requirements -20% - 12.24%

Unknown property (appraise to identify) +??? - 28.74%

Unique Addon:

Probability to have an unique addon: 10%

Shatter: Decreases target's Def. - 8.41%

Weaken: Decreases target's magic defense. - 8.41%

Blunt: Decreases target's physical attack. - 8.41%

Dispel Spirit: Decreases target's magic attack power. - 8.41%

Sloth: Decreasesg target's attack speed. - 8.41%

Dull: Decreases target's casting speed. - 8.41%

Blind: Decreases target's hit rate. - 8.41%

Fumble: Decreasesg target's evasion. - 8.41%

Tenacity: Increases own physical defense. - 8.41%

Slow: Decreases target's MSpd. - 5.93%

Keen: Increases own physical attack power. - 5.93%

Taunt: Force enemies to attack you. - 5.93%

Paralyze: Render target immobile for 3 sec. - 1.63%

Burning Spirit: Recover 10% MP. - 1.63%

Conviction: Recover 5% HP and increases
own physical and magical defense. - 1.63%

Faith: Recover 5% HP and dispels curses. - 1.63% Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Item can be crafted
Recipe: Broad Magic Staff

Grindstone Powder (7)

Refined Steel Cudgel Armguard

Rough Green Jade

Mystic Iron (2)

Gold: 2.450

Probability to create: 48.72% Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!