Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Yu Ling Trainer
Subtype: Durability
LV. 40

Price: 5 / 90.000.000
Stacked: 1
Item is a part of a complect "Wingedkin"

The Wingkins are the most beautiful people among their
contemporaries. Gifted with flight from a young age, they can
be seemingly aloof and reclusive. Yet, those who are familiar
with them, find Winged Elves to be staunch allies.

Can be found in

War Avatar Treasure Box - 0.05%

War Avatar Pack A - 0.19%

War Avatar Pack S - 0.09%

War Avatar Treasure Box - 0.05%

War Avatar Chest: A - 1.43%

War Avatar Treasure Box - 0.05%

War Avatar Durability Pack - 0.07%

War Avatar Pack: Durability - 1.00%

Random Mall table 1694 - 随机战灵商城 - 0.05%

Items Addons:


HP +135

Intelligence +10 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!