Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Kunwoo Blade
Type: Basic Items
Aqquired From Heavenfall Rewards

Price: 1 / 1.000.000
Stacked: 9999

Used to produce and reforge weapons at the Dustfall forges.
You can unbind it at
Dustfall: Legend

Award from quest

Whirling Sands (Daily Quest) (0)
Kunwoo Blade Exchange (0)
PW Holy Paladin VIP Pack (0)
Kunwoo Blade (0)
Super R8 Weapon Alter Pack (0)
Super R8 Weapons Polish Pack (0) Amount: 2

Used in craft for following items

☆☆☆Blade of Nature (100)
Recipe: N/A2014八军3轮_生产_法剑
Amount needed: 85

☆☆☆Light of Excellence (100)
Recipe: N/A2014八军3轮_生产_法轮
Amount needed: 85

☆☆☆Bow of the Demonhunter (100)
Recipe: N/A2014八军3轮_生产_弓
Amount needed: 85

☆☆☆Radiance (100)
Recipe: N/A2014八军3轮_生产_双剑
Amount needed: 85

☆☆☆Heart of the King (100)
Recipe: N/A2014八军3轮_生产_单刀
Amount needed: 85

☆☆☆Heart of the King (100)
Recipe: N/A2014八军3轮_生产_双斧
Amount needed: 85

☆☆☆Heart of the King (100)
Recipe: N/A2014八军3轮_生产_长刀
Amount needed: 85

☆☆☆Heart of the King (100)
Recipe: N/A2014八军3轮_生产_拳套
Amount needed: 85

☆☆☆Daggers of the Ocean (100)
Recipe: N/A2014八军3轮_生产_匕首
Amount needed: 85

☆☆☆Wish of the Ancestors (100)
Recipe: N/A2014八军3轮_生产_法球
Amount needed: 85

Show All recipes Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Item can be crafted
Recipe: N/A3轮8军武器材料还原01

Kunwoo Blade

Gold: 10.000

Probability to create: 100.00%

Dustfall: Legend

World: 163 329 (52)

Recipe: n/a2014随机副本兑换07

Dim Kunwoo Blade

Gold: 100

Probability to create: 100.00%

Dreamspace Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!