Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Dragonlord's Coin
Type: Basic Items

Price: 1 / 10.000.000
Stacked: 9999

Can be exchanged for a Dragon Guardian Charm or a Dragon Spirit Charm
from the Vanguard Quartermaster in Dragons' Conquest. Can also be exchanged
for other rewards at Rong Utsin, the Dragons' Conquest manager in Dragon City.

Award from quest

Dragonlord Treasure (0) Amount: 100

Used in craft for following items

Gelid Dragon Mount Egg
Recipe: n/a2015跨服帮派战冰龙
Amount needed: 2500

Conflagration Dragon Mount Egg
Recipe: n/a2015跨服帮派战火龙
Amount needed: 2500

Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
Dragon Spirit Charm 0 50 Required to activate quest
Dragon Spirit Charm 0 50 Required to finish quest
Dragon Guardian Charm 0 100 Required to activate quest
Dragon Guardian Charm 0 100 Required to finish quest Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!