Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: Weapons
Subtype: Fists / Iron Fist
Close Range
LV. 12
Attack Speed 1.43
Attack Range 2.5
Physical attack 466-515

Str required 163
Agi required 203

Level Required: 103

Price: 376 / 98.880
Stacked: 1

Craft Rate with 0 socket(s): 60.8696%
Craft Rate with 1 socket(s): 34.7826%
Craft Rate with 2 socket(s): 4.3478%

Drop rate with 0 socket(s): 70%
Drop rate with 1 socket(s): 30%

Decompose to: 28 Perfect Stone (Price: 0)

Destroyed to: 14 Perfect Stone

Award from quest

Lv. 12 Weapon (0)

Items Addons:


Attack +49 - 5.14%

Attack +56 - 2.57%

Attack +63 - 1.71%

Attack +70 - 1.29%

Max Attack +83 - 5.14%

Max Attack +94 - 2.57%

Max Attack +106 - 1.71%

Max Attack +118 - 1.29%

HP +185 - 2.57%

HP +205 - 1.71%

HP +225 - 1.29%

MP +235 - 3.08%

MP +260 - 2.06%

Strength +8~9 - 2.57%

Strength +8~9 - 2.57%

Dexterity +8~9 - 2.57%

Dexterity +8~9 - 2.57%

Dexterity +10~11 - 1.29%

Dexterity +12~13 - 0.86%

Intelligence +8~9 - 2.57%

Intelligence +8~9 - 2.57%

Constitution +8~9 - 4.11%

Constitution +8~9 - 4.11%

Constitution +10~11 - 2.06%

Hit +158 - 3.08%

Hit +178 - 2.06%

Hit +198 - 1.54%

Unknown property (appraise to identify) +??? - 33.33%

Unique Addon:

Probability to have an unique addon: 20%

Attack Interval -0.05 second - 1.84%

Critical +1% - 1.84%

Critical +2% - 0.74%

Durability +50% - 11.03%

Durability +100% - 11.03%

Durability +150% - 11.03%

Blunt: Decreases target's physical attack. - 7.35%

Fumble: Decreasesg target's evasion. - 7.35%

Keen: Increases own physical attack power. - 7.35%

Recover: Recover 5% HP. - 3.68%

Revive: Recover 5% MP. - 3.68%

Taunt: Force enemies to attack you. - 7.35%

Paralyze: Render target immobile for 3 sec. - 3.68%

Attribute Requirements -10% - 11.03%

Attribute Requirements -20% - 7.35%

Attribute Requirements -30% - 3.68% Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Item can be crafted
Recipe: devil fist cover

High-Grade Quenching Liquid (15)

Blue Jade (3)

Precision Gold (4)

Probability to create: 67.00% Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!