Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Gravekeeper's Offer


The riot has lasted almost a month. The graveyard is soaked in blood - it is disrespect to the dead. The peacebreakers will never be forgiven and must be punished. Go Southeast of Tusk Town and kill 10 Prisoner Leaders, to appease the dead. See the Gravekeeper afterwards.

Required to do

Kill: Prison Leader (66)   Amount:10


Gold: 633

Exp: 63360

SP: 14319

Reputation: 0

SP: 14319

Items Group

Amount:1  Chosen randomly

Immortal Stone Fragment (70%)

Heaven Celestial Stone (10%)

Earth Celestial Stone (10%)

Common Celestial Stone (10%)


Gravekeeper - "World" 481 387(35)

Gravekeeper - "World" 474 336(27)

Gravekeeper - "World" -8 3(22)

Award NPC

Gravekeeper - "World" 481 387(35)

Gravekeeper - "World" 474 336(27)

Gravekeeper - "World" -8 3(22)

Quest Info

Level: 66 - 76

Can give up

Repeatable after failure Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!