Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Horse Race


You should run 3 laps within the given time. The winner will gain rights to compete for Monthly horse race qualification certificate in the Perfect horse racing chest. Notice: Only by failing this task can you enter the race track for the next horse race in the Snake Island.

Quest Time

12:30 - 12:36

21:30 - 21:36


Gold: 0

Exp: 0

SP: 0

Reputation: 0

SP: 0

Time Limit



Starting Line - "Snake Island" 371 591(22)

Starting Line - "Snake Island" 371 592(22)

Starting Line - "Snake Island" 369 589(22)

Starting Line - "Snake Island" 369 588(22)

Starting Line - "Snake Island" 370 590(22)

Chief Referee - "Snake Island" 370 590(22)

Quest Info

Level: 150

Can give up

Repeatable after failure



1th stop in first lap (First)

2th stop in first lap

3th stop in 1th lap

4th stop in first lap

The first lap finished

1th stop in second lap

2th stop in second lap

3th stop in second lap

4th stop in second lap

Second lap finished

1th stop in third lap

2th stop in third lap

3th stop in third lap

4th stop in third lap

The race finished

Award for horse race

Getwinning certificate Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!