Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!

Serpentine Herb
Type: Materials
Subtype: Medica Material / N/A加生命的级别引

Price: 70 / 140
Stacked: 500

Mid-grade herb used by Apothecaries.

Used in craft for following items

Condensed Healing Potion (40)
Recipe: Condensed Healing Potion
Amount needed: 4

Condensed Healing Potion (20)
Recipe: Level 4 Ointment
Amount needed: 4

Tranquilizing Orb
Recipe: Short term Landification Potion
Amount needed: 20

Arctic Orb
Recipe: Water3
Amount needed: 10

Dew of Lunar Protection
Recipe: Small Dual Resistant Potion
Amount needed: 20

Concentrate Orb
Recipe: Concentrate Potion
Amount needed: 15

Harvest from

Serpentine Herb Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!