Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!

Cube of Fate
Type: Basic Items

Price: 0 / 1
Stacked: 1

A key item for the Cube of Fate Challenge.

Used by NPC: Zero

Used by NPC: N/A库任务发放人1号

Award from quest

⠁Thrown Die: 1 (0)
⠂Thrown Die: 2 (0)
⠃Thrown Die: 3 (0)
⠄Thrown Die: 4 (0)
⠅Thrown Die: 5 (0)
⠆Thrown Die: 6 (0)
⠈Initial Move (40 - 49) - if quest was failed
⠉ASAP (0) - if quest was failed
⠋Get a Die. (0) - if quest was failed
⠌Try to Listen. (0) - if quest was failed

Show All Quests

Harvest from

Bunny's Body

Nectar Storage

Remedy Storage

Rich Guy Chest

Key Box

Honey Wine Storage

Doom Chest

Key Box

Fortune Chest Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
沝N/A50-80级补充任务夜哭岛变身 150 1 Required to finish quest
䦹Letter Delivery in COF 90+ 1 Given item
䧀Receive Normal Reward 0 1 Required to finish quest
䧁Get the Disabled Cog of Fate. 0 1 Required to finish quest
䦸Letter Delivery in COF 80 - 89 1 Given item
䦼Receive Normal Reward 0 1 Required to finish quest
䦽Get the Disabled Cog of Fate. 0 1 Required to finish quest
䦷Letter Delivery in COF 70 - 79 1 Given item
䦷Letter Delivery in COF 70 - 79 1 Required to finish quest
䦶Letter Delivery in COF 60 - 69 1 Given item
䦶Letter Delivery in COF 60 - 69 1 Required to finish quest
䦵Letter Delivery in COF 50 - 59 1 Given item
䦵Letter Delivery in COF 50 - 59 1 Required to finish quest
䦴Letter Delivery in COF 40 - 49 1 Given item
䦴Letter Delivery in COF 40 - 49 1 Required to finish quest
䥓N/A 队长队员任务测试KQuest001 10+ 1 Required to activate quest
梗Receive items quest 0 1 Required to finish quest
䣚Test Controller On/Off 0 1 Required to finish quest
䉹N/A帀启独占鳌头成就模式(作废) 0 1 Required to finish quest
㶝Trade for the Die 0 1 Required to activate quest
㶜Cards for the Die 0 1 Required to activate quest
㶛Cards for the Die 0 1 Required to activate quest
〢Direct Pass 0 1 Required to activate quest
〡Direct Pass 0 1 Required to activate quest
〠Direct Pass 0 1 Required to activate quest
〟Direct Pass 0 1 Required to activate quest
】Direct Pass 0 1 Required to activate quest
。Cube Recycle 0 2 Required to activate quest
ⷣSquad 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⷔTrick or Treat II 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⷓTrick or Treat II 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⷃPay to Pass 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⷂPay to Pass 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⷁPay to Pass 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⷀPay to Pass 0 1 Required to activate quest
⶟Look Carefully 90+ 1 Required to activate quest
⶞Look Carefully 80 - 89 1 Required to activate quest
⶝Look Carefully 70 - 79 1 Required to activate quest
⶜Look Carefully 60 - 69 1 Required to activate quest
⶛Look Carefully 50 - 59 1 Required to activate quest
ⶖLook Carefully 40 - 49 1 Required to activate quest
ⶐReward of Fate 90+ 1 Required to activate quest
ⶏReward of Fate 80 - 89 1 Required to activate quest
ⶍReward of Fate 70 - 79 1 Required to activate quest
ⶊReward of Fate 60 - 69 1 Required to activate quest
ⶈReward of Fate 50 - 59 1 Required to activate quest
ⵦCount the Apples EX 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⵥCount the Apples EX 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⵤCount the Apples EX 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⴹCount the Apples 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⴸCount the Apples 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⴷCount the Apples 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⳮN/A 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⳭN/A 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⳬN/A 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⳫN/A 0 1 Required to activate quest
⳪N/A 0 1 Required to activate quest
⳩N/A 0 1 Required to activate quest
⳨N/A 0 1 Required to activate quest
⳧N/A 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⳞSquad 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⲝN/A 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⲜN/A 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⲛN/A 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⲚN/A 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⲙN/A 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⲘN/A 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⲗN/A 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⲖN/A 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⲁSlaughterhouse EX 90+ 1 Required to activate quest
ⲀSlaughterhouse EX 80 - 89 1 Required to activate quest
ⱿSlaughterhouse EX 70 - 79 1 Required to activate quest
ⱾSlaughterhouse EX 60 - 69 1 Required to activate quest
ⱽSlaughterhouse EX 50 - 59 1 Required to activate quest
ⱰInitial Move 90+ 1 Required to activate quest
ⱯInitial Move 80 - 89 1 Required to activate quest
ⱮInitial Move 70 - 79 1 Required to activate quest
ⱭInitial Move 60 - 69 1 Required to activate quest
ⱬInitial Move 50 - 59 1 Required to activate quest
ⱟAnother Trial 90+ 1 Required to activate quest
ⱞAnother Trial 80 - 89 1 Required to activate quest
ⱝAnother Trial 70 - 79 1 Required to activate quest
ⱜAnother Trial 60 - 69 1 Required to activate quest
ⱛAnother Trial 50 - 59 1 Required to activate quest
ⱎProve Yourself 90+ 1 Required to activate quest
ⱍProve Yourself 80 - 89 1 Required to activate quest
ⱌProve Yourself 70 - 79 1 Required to activate quest
ⱋProve Yourself 60 - 69 1 Required to activate quest
ⱊProve Yourself 50 - 59 1 Required to activate quest
ⰬTrick or Treat 0 1 Required to activate quest
ⰫTrick or Treat 0 1 Required to activate quest
⯔Call of Jail 0 1 Required to activate quest
⮩Start the Challenge 0 1 Required to activate quest
⭼Choice Time 0 1 Required to activate quest
⭷Choice Time 0 1 Required to activate quest
⭚Cube Nectar 0 1 Required to activate quest
⭗Reward of Fate 40 - 49 1 Required to activate quest
⠳Monster Hunter 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠲Cube Remedy 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠱Run Run Run 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠰Where Is the Bully? 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠯Get a Die. 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠮I have a bomb! 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠭Another Path 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠬Kill for Thrill 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠫Pride of Squad 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠪Luck Rules 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠩Trick or Treat II 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠨Second Ruins 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠧Lucky Package 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠦Cube Honey Wine 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠥Die for a Die 0 1 Required to finish quest
⠤Another Trial 40 - 49 1 Required to activate quest
⠣Prison Break II 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠢Kill for Thrill 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠡Run to Live 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠠Slaughterhouse EX 40 - 49 1 Required to activate quest
⠟Count the Apples II 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠞Try to Listen-EX 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠝Dangerous Snatch 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠜Cube Ruins 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠛Trick or Treat 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠙Kill for Thrill 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠘Prove Yourself 40 - 49 1 Required to activate quest
⠗You Rule 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠖Where is the Robber? 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠕Luck Rules 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠔Find a Path. 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠓Kill for Thrill 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠒Die for a Die 0 1 Required to finish quest
⠑Pride of Squad 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠐Choice Time 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠏Race with Time 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠎Running Tall 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠍Luck Rules 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠌Try to Listen. 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠋Get a Die. 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠊Count the Apples I 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠉ASAP 0 1 Required to activate quest
⠈Initial Move 40 - 49 1 Required to activate quest
✀Throw a Die 150 1 Required to activate quest
Item can be crafted
Recipe: N/A2号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A2号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A2号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A2号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A3号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A2号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A2号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A3号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A3号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A3号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A3号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A3号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A4号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A4号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A4号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A4号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A4号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A5号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A4号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A5号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A5号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A5号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A5号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A5号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A6号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A6号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A6号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A6号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A6号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A6号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A7号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A7号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A7号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A7号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A7号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A7号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A8号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A8号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A8号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A8号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A8号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A8号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A9号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A9号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A9号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A9号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A9号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A9号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A10号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A10号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A10号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A10号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A10号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A10号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A11号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A11号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A11号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A11号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A11号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A11号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A13号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A13号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A13号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A13号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A13号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A13号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A14号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A14号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A14号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A14号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A14号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A14号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A15号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A15号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A15号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A15号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A15号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A15号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A16号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A16号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A16号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A16号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A16号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A16号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A17号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A17号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A17号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A17号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A17号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A17号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A18号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A18号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A18号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A18号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A18号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A18号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A19号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A19号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A19号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A19号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A19号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A19号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A21号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A21号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A21号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A21号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A21号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A21号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A22号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A22号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A22号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A22号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A22号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A22号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A23号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A23号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A23号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A23号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A23号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A23号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A24号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A24号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A24号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A24号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A24号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A24号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A25号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A25号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A25号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A25号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A25号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A25号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A26号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A26号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A26号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A26号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A26号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A26号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A27号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A27号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A27号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A27号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A27号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A27号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A28号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A28号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A28号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A28号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A28号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A28号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A29号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A29号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A29号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A29号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A29号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A29号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A30号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A30号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A30号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A30号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A30号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A30号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A31号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A31号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A31号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A31号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A31号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A31号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A32号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A32号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A32号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A32号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A32号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A32号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A33号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A33号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A33号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A33号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A33号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A33号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A34号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A34号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A34号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A34号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A34号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A34号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A36号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A36号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A36号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A36号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A36号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A36号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A37号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A37号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A37号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A37号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A37号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A37号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A38号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A38号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A38号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A38号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A38号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A38号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A39号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A39号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A39号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A39号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A39号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A39号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A40号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A40号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A40号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A40号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A40号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A40号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A41号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A41号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A41号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A41号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A41号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A41号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A42号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A42号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A42号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A42号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A42号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A42号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A43号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A43号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A43号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A43号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A43号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A43号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A44号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A44号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A44号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A44号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A44号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A44号房六点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 6

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 6 Trade

Secret Hive: 261 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A45号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A45号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A45号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A45号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A45号房五点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 5

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 5 Trade

Secret Hive: 258 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A46号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A46号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A46号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A46号房四点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 4

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 4 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 689 (0)

Recipe: N/A47号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A47号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A47号房三点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 3

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 3 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 692 (0)

Recipe: N/A48号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A48号房二点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 2

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 2 Trade

Secret Hive: 253 695 (0)

Recipe: N/A49号房一点朝上的骰子配方

Thrown Die: 1

Probability to create: 100.00%

Thrown Die: 1 Trade

Secret Hive: 255 697 (0)

Recipe: N/A12号房生签配方

Judgment Mark: Life

Probability to create: 100.00%

Fate Forge

Secret Hive: 257 693 (0)

Recipe: N/A12号房死签配方

Judgment Mark: Death

Probability to create: 100.00%

Fate Forge

Secret Hive: 257 693 (0)

Recipe: N/A20号房生签配方

Judgment Mark: Life

Probability to create: 100.00%

Fate Forge

Secret Hive: 257 693 (0)

Recipe: N/A20号房死签配方

Judgment Mark: Death

Probability to create: 100.00%

Fate Forge

Secret Hive: 257 693 (0)

Recipe: N/A35号房生签配方

Judgment Mark: Life

Probability to create: 100.00%

Fate Forge

Secret Hive: 257 693 (0)

Recipe: N/A35号房死签配方

Judgment Mark: Death

Probability to create: 100.00%

Fate Forge

Secret Hive: 257 693 (0) Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!