Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!

☆Glory Soullotus
Type: Weapons
Subtype: Spheres / Spheres
Used by character(s): Psychic
Close Range
LV. 10
Attack Speed 0.91
Attack Range 2.5
Physical attack 450-550
Magical attack 600-812

Str required 42
Int required 289

Level Required: 95

Price: 160 / 76.000
Stacked: 1

Craft Rate with 0 socket(s): 55%
Craft Rate with 1 socket(s): 40%
Craft Rate with 2 socket(s): 5%

Drop rate with 0 socket(s): 70%
Drop rate with 1 socket(s): 30%

Decompose to: 33 Pakua Stone (Price: 0)

Destroyed to: 17 Pakua Stone

Items Addons:


Magic Attack +35 - 5.15%

Magic Attack +42 - 2.57%

Magic Attack +49 - 1.72%

Magic Attack +56 - 1.29%

Maximum Magic Attack +60 - 5.15%

Maximum Magic Attack +71 - 2.57%

Maximum Magic Attack +83 - 1.72%

Maximum Magic Attack +94 - 1.29%

HP: +145 - 2.57%

HP: +165 - 1.72%

MP +185 - 3.09%

MP +210 - 2.06%

MP +235 - 1.54%

Strength +6~7 - 2.57%

Strength +6~7 - 2.57%

Dexterity +6~7 - 2.57%

Dexterity +6~7 - 2.57%

Dexterity +8~9 - 1.29%

Magic +6~7 - 2.57%

Magic +6~7 - 2.57%

Magic +8~9 - 1.29%

Magic +8~9 - 1.29%

Vitality +6~7 - 4.12%

Vitality +6~7 - 4.12%

Accuracy +118 - 3.09%

Accuracy +138 - 2.06%

Accuracy +158 - 1.54%

Unidentified +??? - 33.33%

Unique Addon:

Probability to have an unique addon: 20%

Channelling -3% - 2.09%

Channelling -6% - 0.84%

Phys. Res.: +167 - 6.28%

Phys. Res.: +191 - 6.28%

Critical Hit Rate +1% - 2.09%

Critical Hit Rate +2% - 0.84%

Evasion +166 - 6.28%

Evasion +190 - 6.28%

Maximum Endurance +50% - 12.55%

Maximum Endurance +100% - 12.55%

Maximum Endurance +150% - 12.55%

Reduce Phys. damage +1% - 4.18%

Reduce Phys. damage +2% - 2.09%

Requirement -10% - 12.55%

Requirement -20% - 8.37%

Requirement -30% - 4.18% Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Item can be crafted
Recipe: N/A随机生产89法宝配方

Compacted Glaze (13)

Broken Blue Jade (3)

Wrought Gold Bar (3)

Probability to create: 67.00%

Blacksmith Huo

World: 145 963 (22)

Blacksmith Ling

World: 321 976 (23)

Blacksmith Lu Jin

World: 156 897 (22)

Blacksmith Lo Yuan

World: 182 870 (23)

Blacksmith Su

World: 153 813 (22)

Blacksmith Tu

World: 253 816 (22)

Blacksmith Fei

World: 133 750 (22)

Blacksmith Yueh

World: 236 777 (22)

Blacksmith Che

World: 637 565 (22)

Blacksmith Chu

World: 177 464 (49)

Blacksmith Meng

World: 537 418 (22)

Blacksmith Chang Jie

World: 550 376 (23)

Blacksmith Chou

World: 669 373 (23)

Blacksmith Chao Jin

World: 119 309 (54)

Blacksmith Wang Shi

World: 250 973 (22)

Blacksmith Fang

World: 675 616 (22)

Blacksmith Yueh Kai

World: 639 475 (22)

Blacksmith Ning

Lothranis: 347 596 (20)

Blacksmith Hung Hun

Lothranis: 481 510 (19)

Blacksmith Tuan Yu

Momaganon: 337 473 (25)

Blacksmith Jong

Momaganon: 465 623 (18)

Blacksmith Wunhen

Blacksmith Yzoan

Morai: 277 559 (6)

Blacksmith Oezi

Morai: 464 514 (3)

Blacksmith Hak Awei

Morai: 356 576 (8)

Blacksmith Kiogan

Morai: 448 586 (4)

Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 Ancestral Spiritguide 102 Seat of Torment
383 595 (61)
Metal, weak Fire 690893 2.3584
2 Ascended Warlock 101 Seat of Torment
382 530 (61)
Metal, weak Fire 690893 2.3584
3 Basilisk Madtooth 102 World
94 400 (52)
No elements 57343 2.3584
4 Blasphemous Demonic Beast 108
380 522 (37)
Earth, weak Wood 325885 2.3584
5 Bodybag Infernal 101 Seat of Torment
377 562 (61)
Fire, weak Water 690893 2.3584
6 Bogey Mermaiden 102 Momaganon
495 469 (24)
Water, weak Earth 1103963 2.3584
7 Celestial Clang 102 Lothranis
363 598 (19)
Fire, weak Water 59614 2.3584
8 Celestial Ninetail 106 Lothranis
355 565 (20)
Water, weak Earth 79612 2.3584
9 Celestial Protector 101 Lothranis
411 621 (20)
No elements 71234 2.3584
10 Chaosand Sludgestalker 102 World
109 388 (53)
Earth, weak Wood 57343 2.3584
11 Chilopod Blazer 102 - Fire, weak Water 57343 2.3584
12 Cloudclawwer 103 Lothranis
336 608 (21)
No elements 254022 2.3584
13 Defiant Succbus 109
375 528 (37)
Fire, weak Water 272399 2.3584
14 Desert Bandit 104 World
94 302 (52)
Earth, weak Wood 65883 2.3584
15 Desert Bowman 104 World
94 356 (52)
Metal, weak Fire 65883 2.3584
16 Dreaded Behemoth 108
379 522 (37)
Wood, weak Metal 266633 2.3584
17 Fallen Guardian of the Matrix 101 - No elements 242842 2.3584
18 Feline Prankster 102 Abaddon
422 512 (16)
Water, weak Earth 225341 2.3584
19 Feline Trickster 102 Abaddon
420 515 (17)
No elements 275417 2.3584
20 Firemane Leopardis 104 Lothranis
319 609 (21)
No elements 76189 2.3584
21 Fist of the Sands 107 Momaganon
407 622 (25)
Earth, weak Wood 81361 2.3584
22 Florafang Maneater 101 Abaddon
390 540 (16)
Wood, weak Metal 220306 2.3584
23 Garnet Terror 106 Momaganon
449 610 (29)
No elements 79612 2.3584
24 Ghastly Terrorclaw 102 Seat of Torment
364 587 (61)
Earth, weak Wood 690893 2.3584
25 Guardian of Demons 101 Momaganon
434 572 (27)
No elements 58282 2.3584
26 Hammerhand Patriarch 101 Seat of Torment
398 529 (61)
No elements 621803 2.3584
27 Hobwekin Fieldhand 101 Abaddon
397 584 (16)
No elements 220306 2.3584
28 Infernal Herculon 103 Seat of Torment
438 566 (61)
Earth, weak Wood 1344260 2.3584
29 Insatiable Lust 109 Warsong City
405 522 (57)
Fire, weak Water 272399 2.3584
30 Leader of the Sand Bandits 104 World
149 295 (52)
Earth, weak Wood 65883 2.3584
31 Malefic Penetrator 102 Seat of Torment
375 561 (61)
No elements 690893 2.3584
32 Mindless Bandit 108 Momaganon
429 626 (23)
Earth, weak Wood 283411 2.3584
33 N/A世界用途100-109 150 - No elements 100000 2.3584
34 Peachrider Fawn 101 Abaddon
430 589 (16)
No elements 220306 2.3584
35 Peachy Hopnu 102 Abaddon
392 549 (16)
No elements 225341 2.3584
36 Peachyard Charmaiden 102 Abaddon
355 501 (16)
Wood, weak Metal 225341 2.3584
37 Peachyard Dranite 101 Abaddon
396 523 (16)
Earth, weak Wood 220306 2.3584
38 Peachyard Flyer 101 Abaddon
371 516 (16)
No elements 220306 2.3584
39 Peachyard Hopnu 101 Abaddon
384 541 (16)
Water, weak Earth 269263 2.3584
40 Peachyard Maiden 102 Abaddon
351 504 (16)
Water, weak Earth 225341 2.3584
41 Peachyard Ocelot guard 101 Abaddon
393 516 (16)
Metal, weak Fire 269263 2.3584
42 Peachyard Sprite 103 Abaddon
428 521 (16)
Water, weak Earth 230449 2.3584
43 Pet of Heaven 109 Warsong City
404 524 (57)
Wood, weak Metal 272399 2.3584
44 Plumpfish Mermaid 105 Lothranis
478 623 (18)
Water, weak Earth 77888 2.3584
45 Prisoner of Heaven 101 Seat of Torment
398 530 (61)
Metal, weak Fire 621803 2.3584
46 Purgatory Sage 102 Lothranis
478 628 (18)
Water, weak Earth 1103963 2.3584
47 Pyronume Wisp 108 Warsong City
410 520 (55)
Fire, weak Water 266633 2.3584
48 Sacrilege Mason 109
382 520 (37)
Metal, weak Fire 332932 2.3584
49 Sandedge Basilisk 102 World
123 421 (52)
Earth, weak Wood 57343 2.3584
50 Snowpeach Dranite 102 Abaddon
361 539 (16)
No elements 225341 2.3584
51 Styren General 106 Lothranis
342 582 (19)
Earth, weak Wood 79612 2.3584
52 Succubus Whipster 103 Momaganon
443 593 (28)
Fire, weak Water 60965 2.3584
53 Tetrono 105 World
151 507 (20)
Water, weak Earth 295032 2.3584
54 Thom Mundan 102 Abaddon
434 563 (16)
Fire, weak Water 2649511 2.3584
55 Unfortunate Soul 101 Seat of Torment
378 532 (61)
Fire, weak Water 621803 2.3584
56 Unjust Sharpshooter 105 Momaganon
489 589 (47)
Metal, weak Fire 63727 2.3584
57 Voidweaver 101 Seat of Torment
380 573 (61)
No elements 2590317 2.3584
58 Widowmaker 108 Warsong City
404 523 (57)
No elements 325885 2.3584
59 Acephalid Blade Major 91 World
116 816 (23)
Metal, weak Fire 234276 1.3640
60 Acephalid Ranger 91 Brimstone Pit
383 583 (26)
No elements 167452 1.3640
61 Alabaster Transience 84 - Water, weak Earth 30333 1.3640
62 Alabaster Transience 95 Cave of Sadistic Glee
383 570 (34)
Earth, weak Wood 2182564 1.3640
63 Aquatic Heliac 100 Temple of the Dragon
419 536 (20)
Water, weak Earth 37980 1.3640
64 Beast of Demonic Assault 92 Momaganon
331 513 (25)
Wood, weak Metal 57626 1.3640
65 Bewitching Beauty 92 Lothranis
458 516 (19)
Wood, weak Metal 47148 1.3640
66 Blazing Demonsword 96 Momaganon
461 484 (26)
No elements 51910 1.3640
67 Blizzard Antelope 90 Eden
407 565 (25)
Water, weak Earth 163350 1.3640
68 Blizzard King Effigy 98 World
370 998 (23)
No elements 50372 1.3640
69 Bloodeye Wraith 90 - Fire, weak Water 186985 1.3640
70 Bodybag Scorcher 92 Momaganon
361 487 (27)
Fire, weak Water 47148 1.3640
71 Celestial Dranite 90 Eden
402 560 (25)
No elements 163350 1.3640
72 Celestial Dranite Priestess 91 Eden
415 580 (25)
Wood, weak Metal 167452 1.3640
73 Celestial Oddfoot Champion 90 Eden
403 560 (25)
Wood, weak Metal 199650 1.3640
74 Celestial Patrol 98 Lothranis
453 615 (19)
No elements 66491 1.3640
75 Celestial Specter 95 Lothranis
442 538 (19)
Metal, weak Fire 50692 1.3640
76 Cetaceaner 100 Momaganon
460 520 (25)
No elements 237373 1.3640
77 Consuming Soulmass 100 Abaddon
422 557 (16)
Water, weak Earth 263200 1.3640
78 Convulsing Demon 99 Momaganon
470 514 (26)
Earth, weak Wood 68049 1.3640
79 Crimson Flametalon 95 World
199 426 (54)
Metal, weak Fire 234684 1.3640
80 Dark Dragon Templar 90 World
612 299 (18)
Water, weak Earth 686190 1.3640
81 Debaucherous Reveler 90 World
162 922 (22)
Fire, weak Water 207761 1.3640
82 Deepsea Feeler 90 Temple of the Dragon
422 507 (18)
Water, weak Earth 831043 1.3640
83 Demon Falchion 94 Momaganon
379 477 (25)
Metal, weak Fire 60491 1.3640
84 Demoneido Hexxer 98 Momaganon
487 515 (48)
Metal, weak Fire 54402 1.3640
85 Demoneido Messenger 99 Lothranis
437 610 (26)
Metal, weak Fire 55676 1.3640
86 Demonic Acephalid 90 Brimstone Pit
398 548 (26)
Fire, weak Water 199650 1.3640
87 Demonic Herculeon 93 Momaganon
377 500 (25)
Earth, weak Wood 59047 1.3640
88 Demonic Souling 91 Momaganon
349 499 (25)
No elements 46003 1.3640
89 Demonic Vexation 91 Brimstone Pit
414 550 (26)
Metal, weak Fire 1932176 1.3640
90 Devilish Specter 95 Momaganon
426 486 (27)
Metal, weak Fire 61957 1.3640
91 Dharma Perditioner 100 Momaganon
467 537 (25)
Water, weak Earth 56970 1.3640
92 Dominator Leoclaw 95 Lothranis
470 518 (19)
No elements 211216 1.3640
93 Dragon Infanta 100 - No elements 37980 1.3640
94 Dragon Seed 100 - Water, weak Earth 37980 1.3640
95 Dust Breaker 92 Momaganon
339 506 (25)
Earth, weak Wood 218278 1.3640
96 Earthen Soul of Purgatory 98 Seat of Torment
441 583 (61)
Earth, weak Wood 537704 1.3640
97 Ethereal Abomination 93 Brimstone Pit
417 593 (26)
No elements 3383317 1.3640
98 Ethereal Inamorato 91 Eden
412 573 (25)
Wood, weak Metal 186058 1.3640
99 Etherocelot Guard 93 Lothranis
461 527 (19)
Metal, weak Fire 59047 1.3640
100 Evil Mimong Harpy 100 - Water, weak Earth 52750 1.3640
101 Fallen Mimong 90 - Metal, weak Fire 37397 1.3640
102 Fats 92 Brimstone Pit
383 589 (29)
No elements 2029990 1.3640
103 Florafang Charmer 88 World
142 934 (23)
Wood, weak Metal 36125 1.3640
104 Florafang Mutant 100 Abaddon
417 562 (16)
Wood, weak Metal 215345 1.3640
105 Frostwurm Tomb 88 World
114 950 (23)
Earth, weak Wood 36125 1.3640
106 Glacial Maiden 94 World
167 1006 (22)
No elements 44254 1.3640
107 Glacial Mistress 96 World
304 996 (28)
Water, weak Earth 46645 1.3640
108 Glacial Seed 93 World
100 1011 (22)
Water, weak Earth 43013 1.3640
109 Gnosis Treerat 93 World
136 1010 (22)
Wood, weak Metal 43013 1.3640
110 Goothe 96 World
344 976 (22)
Earth, weak Wood 46645 1.3640
111 Greater Celestial Antelope 91 Eden
418 584 (26)
Water, weak Earth 204663 1.3640
112 Grosh Gnosis 100 Temple of the Dragon
425 577 (15)
No elements 42200 1.3640
113 Harpy Kabal 84 World
222 837 (29)
Wood, weak Metal 30333 1.3640
114 Harpy Wraith 150 - Earth, weak Wood 15000000 1.3640
115 Hedonistic Apostle 91 Lothranis
476 476 (20)
Fire, weak Water 46003 1.3640
116 Hellbent Exorcist 90 Brimstone Pit
398 548 (26)
Earth, weak Wood 199650 1.3640
117 Hellbent Prole 91 Brimstone Pit
388 584 (26)
Earth, weak Wood 186058 1.3640
118 Hellish Triphibian 100 Seat of Torment
365 532 (61)
Fire, weak Water 621803 1.3640
119 Helltoad 98 Seat of Torment
378 533 (61)
Water, weak Earth 621803 1.3640
120 Herculeon Infernal 90 - Metal, weak Fire 228537 1.3640
121 Hexgoblin Hunter 100 Seat of Torment
366 531 (61)
Metal, weak Fire 621803 1.3640
122 Icebreaker Antitan 94 World
225 980 (22)
Earth, weak Wood 44254 1.3640
123 Imperial Crustan Scout 77 Temple of the Dragon
372 533 (18)
No elements 21854 1.3640
124 Infernal Ape 96 Momaganon
416 510 (27)
Earth, weak Wood 63445 1.3640
125 Infernal Behemoth 100 Seat of Torment
362 581 (61)
Wood, weak Metal 1381786 1.3640
126 Infernal Creep 99 Seat of Torment
425 545 (61)
Earth, weak Wood 537704 1.3640
127 Ironite Demon 98 Momaganon
467 499 (26)
Fire, weak Water 54402 1.3640
128 Jackelman Slave 98 Abaddon
380 590 (16)
Fire, weak Water 251337 1.3640
129 Korrib, Beast of the Deep 95 World
197 424 (52)
Water, weak Earth 234684 1.3640
130 Kraufis Scout 77 Temple of the Dragon
388 544 (19)
No elements 21854 1.3640
131 Kugulu Taskmaster 90 World
254 490 (31)
Wood, weak Metal 207761 1.3640
132 Lethal Araneid Sharpfang 94 World
304 966 (22)
Wood, weak Metal 44254 1.3640
133 Ling Feng, Ethereal Form 97 World
267 965 (24)
Metal, weak Fire 246049 1.3640
134 Lowang 92 World
634 298 (14)
Water, weak Earth 873114 1.3640
135 Mantavip Javeliner 60 - Metal, weak Fire 14133 1.3640
136 Meed Apostle 93 Lothranis
472 526 (26)
Wood, weak Metal 48311 1.3640
137 Mimong Enchanter 90 - Metal, weak Fire 37397 1.3640
138 Mimong Flamen 100 - Metal, weak Fire 47475 1.3640
139 N/A世界用途90-99 150 - No elements 100000 1.3640
140 Ninetails 92 Eden
418 593 (27)
Fire, weak Water 2029990 1.3640
141 Nivastok Brave 93 World
308 932 (25)
Metal, weak Fire 43013 1.3640
142 Nivastok Shaman Templar 95 World
252 1008 (22)
Metal, weak Fire 234684 1.3640
143 Nivastok Shieldbearer 93 World
123 1008 (22)
Metal, weak Fire 43013 1.3640
144 Onyxian Transience 84 - Fire, weak Water 30333 1.3640
145 Onyxian Transience 95 Cave of Sadistic Glee
402 570 (34)
Earth, weak Wood 2182564 1.3640
146 Passions Messenger 97 Lothranis
436 600 (19)
Water, weak Earth 53146 1.3640
147 Peachyard Dodopod 98 Abaddon
396 567 (16)
Earth, weak Wood 251337 1.3640
148 Peachyard Firefox 99 Abaddon
398 572 (16)
Fire, weak Water 257224 1.3640
149 Peachyard Hobwekin 99 Abaddon
397 591 (16)
Metal, weak Fire 210456 1.3640
150 Peachyard Treerat 99 Abaddon
406 583 (16)
Wood, weak Metal 210456 1.3640
151 Peachyard Wisp 100 Abaddon
429 582 (16)
Wood, weak Metal 215345 1.3640
152 Petalii Spirit 100 Abaddon
419 557 (16)
Wood, weak Metal 215345 1.3640
153 Phlebo 93 Eden
381 591 (29)
Earth, weak Wood 3383317 1.3640
154 Phong o'Sin 90 Brimstone Pit
396 550 (26)
Fire, weak Water 163350 1.3640
155 Pilgrim of Dharma 100 Lothranis
428 612 (19)
Earth, weak Wood 69630 1.3640
156 Pinna Thundergod 97 Lothranis
420 592 (27)
Metal, weak Fire 53146 1.3640
157 Pumot 100 World
121 421 (52)
No elements 263748 1.3640
158 Qinghua, Maker of Lightning 100 Lothranis
406 602 (22)
No elements 1054993 1.3640
159 Queen Succubus 100 Seat of Torment
397 550 (61)
Fire, weak Water 1036340 1.3640
160 Shen Fu, the Bloodlusted 100 Momaganon
445 613 (29)
No elements 1054993 1.3640
161 Somniphoric Messenger 96 Lothranis
452 595 (19)
Water, weak Earth 51910 1.3640
162 Soulcough Demon 91 Momaganon
358 518 (22)
Water, weak Earth 46003 1.3640
163 Soulmass Beast 90 World
148 773 (23)
Water, weak Earth 186985 1.3640
164 Styren Champion 96 Lothranis
473 581 (20)
No elements 63445 1.3640
165 Styren Claw Guard 94 Lothranis
455 562 (19)
No elements 60491 1.3640
166 Styren Maiden 95 Lothranis
478 570 (20)
Wood, weak Metal 50692 1.3640
167 Styx the Malefic 99 Momaganon
387 480 (27)
Metal, weak Fire 1031041 1.3640
168 Tainted Succubus 94 Momaganon
376 508 (25)
Fire, weak Water 60491 1.3640
169 Thousand Year Spirit 91 Eden
413 550 (27)
Earth, weak Wood 1932176 1.3640
170 Thundersoul Beast 94 Lothranis
435 522 (19)
Water, weak Earth 49492 1.3640
171 Thundersprite Demon 94 Lothranis
436 532 (21)
Metal, weak Fire 206218 1.3640
172 Volcanic Ambassador 85 World
106 726 (27)
Fire, weak Water 952620 1.3640
173 Wandering Demonic One 100 Momaganon
479 566 (26)
No elements 56970 1.3640
174 Wandering Spirit 99 Seat of Torment
432 539 (61)
Earth, weak Wood 537704 1.3640
175 Wasteland Lithicran 50 World
283 820 (25)
Earth, weak Wood 7767 1.3640
176 Waterwing Hammersmith 97 Momaganon
321 492 (51)
Water, weak Earth 53146 1.3640
177 Winged Distress 100 - Metal, weak Fire 47475 1.3640
178 Withered Revenant 99 Seat of Torment
431 539 (61)
Earth, weak Wood 537704 1.3640
179 Zunbao 99 Lothranis
432 611 (19)
Earth, weak Wood 1031041 1.3640 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!