Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!

Ominous Dimension Chest
Type: Books/Scrolls

Price: 0 / 0
Stacked: 0

The reward for completing Ten-Dimensional Domain: Ominous Dimension. It contains:

Strongwind Badge x3
Kunwoo Blade x1
Benevolence Seal x1
Skyhigh: Blood Spirit Stone x4
Skyhigh: Gold-plated Iron x2
Skyhigh: Ether Jade x1
War Avatar Pack B x8
Astrobana Pearl Lv2 x3
Astrospira Pearl Lv2 x3
Dull Profaned Wood (not guaranteed)

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Award from quest

騗Dimension: Ominous Dimension (0) Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!