Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!

Solar Discharge
Subtype: Technician

Price: 5.000 / 20.000
Stacked: 1

Class: Technician    Spiritual Cultivation: Aware of Vacuity
Requires Skill:
Requires Level:

Available in turret form. Dealing physical damage to the target and nearby enemies.

Award from quest

鹋TEC Advanced Skill Scroll (0)
鼞Morphing Rainbow (0) Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Item can be crafted
Recipe: Solar Discharge

Chrono Page (20)

Medium Ink (10)

Probability to create: 100.00%

Nature Forge: Skill books

Valley of Reciprocity: 392 554 (24)

Nature Forge: Skill books

World: 117 854 (38)

Recipe: Solar Discharge

Pure Book: Wavering Lights (50)

Emperor's Letter (10)

Probability to create: 100.00%

Taomaster Kyno's Spirit

Morai: 472 520 (3) Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!