Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!

Lime Stone
Type: Materials
Subtype: N/A掉落金钱抵价物 / N/A一级特产品

Price: 1 / 1
Stacked: 100

Substance found inside some beast's body. Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 Ancient Gargoyle 15
487 523 (6)
Earth, weak Wood 875 40.0586
2 Bluefire Behemoth 15
469 535 (5)
Metal, weak Fire 8750 40.0586
3 Polaris Cultist 15
469 518 (6)
Earth, weak Wood 875 40.0586
4 Haunted Box 6 - Metal, weak Fire 303 39.3065
5 Haunted Cabinet 6 - Metal, weak Fire 303 39.3065
6 Treasure Box 6 - Metal, weak Fire 303 39.3065
7 Petite Vespin 8 - Wood, weak Metal 465 34.1290
8 Petite Waspkin 8 - Wood, weak Metal 465 34.1290
9 Dreamkill Moth 5
375 547 (5)
Wood, weak Metal 245 28.3407
10 Spinesting Wasp 5
372 552 (5)
Wood, weak Metal 245 28.3407
11 The Flameflow Butterfly 5
379 523 (4)
Fire, weak Water 2450 28.3407
12 Crazed Spirit Worm 15 - Wood, weak Metal 2078 23.4608
13 Petite Woodland Waspkin 12 - Wood, weak Metal 955 22.2341
14 Landstrider Boar 17
458 562 (8)
No elements 1003 21.2018
15 Skydrifter Parrot 17
458 578 (11)
No elements 1003 21.2018
16 Copper Box Spirit 3 - Metal, weak Fire 124 20.6499
17 Copper Cabinet Spirit 3 - Metal, weak Fire 124 20.6499
18 Copper Trunkwraith 3 - Metal, weak Fire 124 20.6499
19 Without Name 3 - No elements 124 20.6499
20 Berrywood Monkey 3
352 524 (5)
No elements 71 18.5512
21 Box Ghoul 2 - Metal, weak Fire 71 18.5512
22 Cabinet Spirits 2 - Metal, weak Fire 71 18.5512
23 Dusk Monkey 3
352 524 (5)
No elements 71 18.5512
24 Trunk Ghoul 2 - Metal, weak Fire 71 18.5512
25 Evilproof Crystal 1 - No elements 29 13.0566
26 N/A世界用途100-109 150 - No elements 100000 13.0566
27 N/A世界用途110-119 150 - No elements 1000000 13.0566
28 N/A世界用途12-19 150 - No elements 100000 13.0566
29 N/A世界用途20-29 150 - No elements 100000 13.0566
30 N/A世界用途30-39 150 - No elements 100000 13.0566
31 N/A世界用途40-49 150 - No elements 100000 13.0566
32 N/A世界用途5-11 150 - No elements 100000 13.0566
33 N/A世界用途50-59 150 - No elements 100000 13.0566
34 N/A世界用途60-69 150 - No elements 100000 13.0566
35 N/A世界用途70-79 150 - No elements 100000 13.0566
36 N/A世界用途80-89 150 - No elements 210000 13.0566
37 N/A世界用途90-99 150 - No elements 100000 13.0566
38 Without Name 150 - No elements 100000 13.0566
39 Without Name 150 - No elements 100000 13.0566
40 Corrupted Ape 7
321 579 (4)
Wood, weak Metal 330 9.8775
41 Drunk Monkey 7 - Wood, weak Metal 3300 9.8775 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!