Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!


Gold: 0

Exp: 0

SP: 0

Reputation: 0

SP: 0

Items Group

Amount:1  Chosen randomly

Shabby Garnet Shard (10%)

Shabby Sapphire Shard (10%)

Shabby Amber Shard (10%)

Shabby Citrine Shard (10%)

Shabby Turquoise Shard (10%)

Large Healing Potion - 10 (100%)

Large Mana Potion - 10 (100%)

Rough Garnet Shard (10%)

Rough Sapphire Shard (10%)

Rough Amber Shard (10%)

Rough Citrine Shard (10%)

Rough Turquoise Shard (10%)

Big-headed Kid Pill - 2 (100%)

Activated by using item(s):

Wraith Officer's Envelope

Quest Info

Level: 1+

Can give up

Repeatable after failure

Repeatable Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!