Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
☆Braceletes do Invocador
Type: Armaduras
Subtype: Braceletes / Luvas
Used by character(s): Torment., Retalh., Místico, Arcano, Sacerdote, Arqueiro, Mercenário, Bárbaro, Feiticeira, Espiritualista, Mago, Guerreiro
LV. 3
Physical Defense +11
Metal defence +95
Wood defence +95
Water defence +95
Fire defence +95
Earth defence +95

Str required 11
Int required 23

Level Required: 16

Price: 60 / 1.540
Stacked: 1

Craft Rate with 0 socket(s): 81.3397%
Craft Rate with 1 socket(s): 11.4833%
Craft Rate with 2 socket(s): 4.3062%
Craft Rate with 3 socket(s): 2.5837%
Craft Rate with 4 socket(s): 0.2871%

Drop rate with 0 socket(s): 85%
Drop rate with 1 socket(s): 10.5%
Drop rate with 2 socket(s): 3%
Drop rate with 3 socket(s): 1.5%

Decompose to: 20 Pedra de Uma Fonte (Price: 0)

Destroyed to: 10 Pedra de Uma Fonte

Award from quest

A Defesa do Nível 2 (0)
A Defesa do Nível 3 (0)

Items Addons:


Def +8 - 4.29%

Def +8 - 4.29%

Def Metal +45 - 2.15%

Def Metal +80 - 1.61%

Def Madeira +45 - 2.15%

Def Madeira +80 - 1.61%

Def Água +45 - 2.15%

Def Água +80 - 1.61%

Def Fogo +45 - 2.15%

Def Fogo +80 - 1.61%

Def Terra +45 - 2.15%

Def Terra +80 - 1.61%

MP +30 - 4.29%

MP +50 - 3.22%

Força +1 - 2.15%

Destreza +1 - 2.15%

Inteligência +1 - 2.15%

Inteligência +1~2 - 1.29%

Constituição +1 - 4.29%

Constituição +1~2 - 2.58%

Esquiva +6 - 4.29%

Esquiva +6 - 4.29%

Durabilidade +25% - 4.29%

Requisitos de Atributo -10% - 4.29%

Propriedade desconhecida (avalie para identificar) +??? - 33.33% Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Item can be crafted
Recipe: Braçadeira do Conhecimento

Tronco (2)

Fio de Algodão (2)

Jade Laranja Bruta

Probability to create: 67.00%

Alfaiate Ilsa Bagsley

World: 427 878 (27)

Alfaiate Silen

World: 334 408 (22)

Alfaiate Tina Parson

World: 259 640 (25)




Amuleto de Tear

Alfaiate Lindy Wiggins

World: 391 518 (22)

Alfaiate Lindie

World: 567 883 (25)

Alfaiate Lindie

World: 18 3 (22)

Alfaiate Lyra Taylor

World: 226 558 (25)

Alfaiate Lyra Taylor

World: 32 5 (27)

Alfaiate Rita Snow

World: 372 352 (22)

Alfaiate Rita Snow

World: 34 5 (27)

Alfaiate Darien

World: 442 896 (27)

Alfaiate Darien

World: 42 7 (28)

Alfaiate Lutis

World: 257 668 (25)

Alfaiate Lutis

World: 62 7 (26)

Alfaiate Hevin

World: 321 433 (22)

Alfaiate Hevin

World: 80 7 (26)

Alfaiate Elie

World: 496 964 (22)

Alfaiate Elie

World: 14 9 (25)

Alfaiate Irene Dank

World: 216 422 (52)

Alfaiate Irene Dank

World: 64 11 (42)

Alfaiate Yingqiu

World: 644 266 (25)

Alfaiate Hongtu


World: 663 121 (24)

Alfaiate Lan Xiang

World: 673 135 (24)

Alfaiate Marin

World: 150 249 (13)

Alfaiate Silk

World: 232 229 (22)

Alfaiate Sila

World: 310 235 (22)

Alfaiate Tara

World: 368 208 (22)

Alfaiate Celene

World: 369 254 (22)

Alfaiate Silk

Vale Celestial: 324 520 (4)

Alfaiate Shie Barna

Vale Celestial: 488 519 (15)

Alfaiate Susan

Quedanunca: 318 489 (13)

Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 Inseto de Areia Forte 16 - Earth, weak Wood 3306 4.2615
2 Sapo Rei Venenoso 16 World
643 118 (22)
Water, weak Earth 3306 4.2615
3 Ent da Floresta Morta 15 World
617 897 (22)
Wood, weak Metal 5875 0.5943
4 Javali Andarilho da Terra 17 Vale Celestial
459 574 (7)
No elements 1003 0.5468
5 Papagaio Celestial 17 Vale Celestial
454 567 (11)
No elements 1003 0.5468
6 Águia de Ferro 16 World
412 690 (30)
Metal, weak Fire 1352 0.5455
7 Falcão de Aço 16 - Metal, weak Fire 1352 0.5455
8 Beemonte do Fogo Azul 15 Vale Celestial
469 535 (5)
Metal, weak Fire 8750 0.5165
9 Cultista de Polaris 15 Vale Celestial
474 528 (6)
Earth, weak Wood 875 0.5165
10 Gárgula Ancestral 15 Vale Celestial
486 528 (6)
Earth, weak Wood 875 0.5165
11 Aranha das Profundezas 17 Toca dos Lobos
387 574 (33)
No elements 3329 0.4341
12 Guerreiro Formiga das Cavernas 17 Caverna do Fogo
398 540 (33)
No elements 3329 0.4341
13 Presa de Rocha 17 Caverna do Escorpião-serpente
379 541 (33)
No elements 3329 0.4341
14 Tarântula-rei 17 - Wood, weak Metal 1887 0.3703
15 Espírito Ancestral 16 Vale Celestial
483 522 (13)
No elements 9580 0.3697
16 Fearen 16 - No elements 9580 0.3697
17 Fera da Rachadura de Polaris 16 Vale Celestial
491 539 (6)
Earth, weak Wood 9580 0.3697
18 Flor de Safira 16 Vale Celestial
458 540 (6)
Wood, weak Metal 958 0.3697
19 Lâmina da Presa de Dragão 16 Vale Celestial
490 537 (6)
No elements 958 0.3697
20 Trepadeira da Névoa Verdadeira 15 - Wood, weak Metal 1175 0.3692
Sold in
Name Exists
Alfaiate Ilsa Bagsley World - 427 878 (27)
Alfaiate Silen World - 334 408 (22)
Alfaiate Tina Parson World - 259 640 (25)
Fantasma de Alfaiate -
Alfaiate Darien World - 442 896 (27)
Alfaiate Darien World - 42 7 (28)
Alfaiate Lutis World - 257 668 (25)
Alfaiate Lutis World - 62 7 (26)
Alfaiate Hevin World - 321 433 (22)
Alfaiate Hevin World - 80 7 (26)
Alfaiate Yingqiu World - 644 266 (25)
Alfaiate Hongtu -
Alfaiate World - 663 121 (24)
Alfaiate Lan Xiang World - 673 135 (24)
Alfaiate Marin World - 150 249 (13)
Alfaiate Silk World - 232 229 (22)
Alfaiate Sila World - 310 235 (22)
Alfaiate Tara World - 368 208 (22)
Alfaiate Celene World - 369 254 (22)
Alfaiate Shie Barna Vale Celestial - 488 519 (15)
Alfaiate -
Alfaiate Emirana World - 369 760 (22)
Alfaiate Emirana World - -2 3 (22)
Alfaiate Mirth World - 614 716 (22)
Alfaiate Mirth World - 42 3 (25)
Alfaiate Carmen Marin World - 127 590 (52)
Alfaiate Carmen Marin World - 60 3 (23)
Alfaiate Tracy Baker World - 470 320 (25)
Alfaiate Tracy Baker World - 80 3 (23)
Alfaiate Ilsia Lawrence World - 453 569 (22)
Alfaiate Ilsia Lawrence World - 28 5 (26)
Alfaiate Shelton World - 523 648 (22)
Alfaiate Shelton World - 50 5 (25)
Alfaiate Amanda Sunders World - 550 629 (22)
Alfaiate Amanda Sunders World - 52 5 (24)
Alfaiate Chen Xier World - 545 687 (22)
Alfaiate Chen Xier World - 88 5 (22)
Alfaiate Lu Xier World - 550 97 (22)
Alfaiate Ying World - 116 259 (20)
Alfaiate Chloe World - 470 262 (17)
Alfaiate Maliya ChronoWorld - 366 519 (47)
Alfaiate Monn Tsin World - 756 843 (24)
Alfaiate Chien Yi World - 781 934 (26)
Alfaiate Hsee Chen Mundo Primitivo - 443 485 (23)
Alfaiate Molly Quedanunca - 366 574 (10)
Alfaiate Jasmine Quedanunca - 332 576 (10)
Alfaiate Lindy Wiggins World - 391 518 (22)
Alfaiate Lindie World - 567 883 (25)
Alfaiate Lindie World - 18 3 (22)
Alfaiate Lyra Taylor World - 226 558 (25)
Alfaiate Lyra Taylor World - 32 5 (27)
Alfaiate Rita Snow World - 372 352 (22)
Alfaiate Rita Snow World - 34 5 (27)
Alfaiate Elie World - 496 964 (22)
Alfaiate Elie World - 14 9 (25)
Alfaiate Irene Dank World - 216 422 (52)
Alfaiate Irene Dank World - 64 11 (42)
Alfaiate Silk Vale Celestial - 324 520 (4) Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!