Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Without Name
Type: Materiais
Subtype: Materiais de Dispositivo Voador / Númeno

Price: 500 / 2.000
Stacked: 1

Corpo atual da fera voadora.

Used in craft for following items

Without Name (70)
Recipe: Asa Relampejante Veloz
Amount needed: 1

Without Name (30)
Recipe: Amor de Fogo Veloz
Amount needed: 1

Without Name (50)
Recipe: Novelo de Fogo Veloz
Amount needed: 1

Without Name (50)
Recipe: Seda Relampejante Veloz
Amount needed: 1

Without Name (50)
Recipe: Dança Relampejante Veloz
Amount needed: 1

Without Name (30)
Recipe: Orvalho do Fogo Veloz
Amount needed: 1 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!