Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!


Gold: 0

Exp: 0

SP: 0

Reputation: 0

SP: 0

Items Group

Amount:1  Chosen randomly

Pacote de Jóias Misteriosas (30%)

Casquinha de Siri - 100 (20%)

Bolinho de Arroz Abençoado - 30 (20%)

Oráculo 6 (6%)

Oráculo 7 (6%)

Oráculo 8 (6%)

Fragmento de Escrita Divina - 3 (11.3891%)

Porco da Sorte (0.1%)

Capítulo do Livro do Tempo (0.3%)

Ovo de Fênix Glacial (0.2%)

Insígnia Intrépida (0.01%)

Manuscrito do Destino (0.0005%)

Insígnia Líder Brado de Batalha (0.0004%)

Activated by using item(s):

Bilhete de Pedra Celestial

Quest Info

Level: 0

Can't give up

Repeatable after failure

Repeatable Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!