Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Remova o Rio Congelado


Está na hora de remover o selo do Rio Congelado.

Required to do

Get: Fragmento: Rio Congelado  Amount:1

Harvest from: Selo: Rio Congelado

Quest Zone: (quest will fail if character will leave this square zone)


Bottom Left Point: 93/10

Upper Right Point: 331/40


Gold: 0

Exp: 0

SP: 0

Reputation: 0

Title: Mestre Glacial

Gelo será sua jaula!

Desbloqueie o Rio Congelado.

SP: 0

Reqiured Quests

Capture o Informante

Demônio antes, lacaio agora.

Automatic started at point

World: 279 940 (14)

Quest Info

Level: 0

Can give up

Repeatable after failure Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!