Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Without Name
Type: 配飾
Subtype: 戒指 / 金属戒指
Used by character(s): someclasstoupdate2, someclass, 月仙, 夜影, 魅灵, 剑灵, 羽灵, 羽芒, 刺客, 妖兽, 妖精, 巫师, 法师, 武侠
LV. 8
Physical attack 26-29
Level Required: 62

Price: 10.675 / 42.700
Stacked: 1
Item is a part of a complect "一行白鹭上青天"

Items Addons:


物理攻击增长 +21 - 8.01%

7:+ Attack -Defence - Unknown - 5.21%

力量 +3~4 - 3.68%

敏捷 +3~4 - 3.68%

体质 +3~4 - 3.68%

致命一击率 +1% - 0.41%

致命一击率 +2% - 0.08%

致命一击率 +3% - 0.03%

未知属性(需鉴定) +??? - 75.23% Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!