Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: 基本項目

Price: 100 / 1.000
Stacked: 100

可到祖龙城的暗灵猎手胡大刀处换取7点声望。 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
⑿黑暗印章4级(10个) 1+ 10 Required to activate quest
⑶黑暗印章4级 1+ 1 Required to activate quest
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 秘境地鬼斥侯 54 履霜秘境
376 571 (33)
, weak 木 33133 14.6989
2 秘境妖狮百夫长 54 履霜秘境
387 571 (33)
, weak 土 36447 14.6989
3 秘境妖虎强弓手 54 履霜秘境
376 572 (33)
, weak 水 33133 14.3251
4 秘境地鬼密探 53 履霜秘境
394 572 (33)
, weak 木 34522 14.1082
5 秘境翼龙护法 53 - No elements 41538 14.0607
6 秘境翼龙先锋 54 - No elements 43854 14.0073
7 秘境妖狮狂战士 53 履霜秘境
388 571 (33)
, weak 土 34522 13.7826
8 秘境妖虎战士 53 履霜秘境
382 572 (33)
, weak 水 28245 13.7826
9 秘境妖虎狙击王 52 - No elements 44418 12.8314
10 秘境地鬼巫师 52 履霜秘境
394 571 (33)
No elements 27184 12.6075
11 秘境狮妖喽罗 52 履霜秘境
388 572 (33)
No elements 33224 12.6075 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!