Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: 原料
Subtype: 药品原料 / 加生命的级别引

Price: 1 / 260
Stacked: 500


Award from quest

椷“完美·上签”兑换草药 (0) Amount: 10

Used in craft for following items

小活血散 (45)
Recipe: 小活血散
Amount needed: 1

中活血散 (55)
Recipe: 中活血散
Amount needed: 2

大活血散 (65)
Recipe: 大活血散
Amount needed: 3

强效活血散 (75)
Recipe: 强效活血散
Amount needed: 4

超级活血散 (85)
Recipe: 超级活血散
Amount needed: 5

小归元散 (95)
Recipe: 小归元散
Amount needed: 6

中归元散 (105)
Recipe: 中归元散
Amount needed: 7

大归元散 (115)
Recipe: 大归元散
Amount needed: 8

强效归元散 (125)
Recipe: 强效归元散
Amount needed: 9

超级归元散 (135)
Recipe: 超级归元散
Amount needed: 10

Show All recipes

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盘龙草 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!