Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: 盔甲
Subtype: 鞋子 / 轻靴
Used by character(s): someclasstoupdate2, someclass, 月仙, 夜影, 魅灵, 剑灵, 羽灵, 羽芒, 刺客, 妖兽, 妖精, 巫师, 法师, 武侠
LV. 13
Physical Defense +406
Metal defence +630
Wood defence +630
Water defence +630
Fire defence +630
Earth defence +630

Str required 99
Agi required 99

Level Required: 100

Price: 32.930 / 65.860
Stacked: 1


Craft Rate with 2 socket(s): 60%
Craft Rate with 3 socket(s): 35%
Craft Rate with 4 socket(s): 5%

Drop rate with 2 socket(s): 60%
Drop rate with 3 socket(s): 35%
Drop rate with 4 socket(s): 5%

Destroyed to: 5 完美石

Award from quest

㡣卡片英雄令换取奖励 (1+)

Items Addons:


物理防御 +142 - 7.67%

物理防御 +142 - 7.67%

金防 +473 - 1.92%

金防 +516 - 1.28%

木防 +473 - 1.92%

木防 +516 - 1.28%

水防 +473 - 1.92%

水防 +516 - 1.28%

火防 +473 - 1.92%

火防 +516 - 1.28%

土防 +473 - 1.92%

土防 +516 - 1.28%

生命值 +120 - 3.84%

生命值 +120 - 3.84%

真气值 +230 - 3.84%

生命恢复速度 +7 - 1.02%

真气恢复速度 +4 - 1.02%

力量 +6~7 - 0.96%

敏捷 +6~7 - 0.96%

敏捷 +7~8 - 0.77%

灵力 +6~7 - 0.96%

体质 +6~7 - 1.92%

体质 +7~8 - 1.53%

移动速度 +0.1 米/秒 - 1.53%

移动速度 +0.2 米/秒 - 1.02%

躲闪度 +190 - 1.92%

躲闪度 +174 - 2.56%

耐久上限 +75% - 2.56%

耐久上限 +100% - 1.28%

装备需求 -15% - 2.56%

装备需求 -20% - 1.28%

未知属性(需鉴定) +??? - 33.33% Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Item can be crafted
Recipe: 资料片黄色轻靴配方


天书碎片 (2)

Probability to create: 100.00%


神月谷: 355 548 (22)

Recipe: 资料片蓝色轻靴配方

黄金雕塑 (7)

天泪之泉 (5)

光石 (8)

Probability to create: 0.30%


天泪之城: 368 515 (47)


天泪之城: 368 515 (47) Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!