传送石 ▼ | |
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Price: 100 / 2.000 Stacked: 9999 神秘的石头。 可以传送到完美大陆任何一个已打开的传送点。 非战斗状态下右键点击使用 Award from quest敵黑夜密宝 (0) Amount: 10极万花追云礼包 (30+) Amount: 4 沾王朝之心 (0) Amount: 10 洋媒体特权包 (0) Amount: 10 烂17173修真礼包 (0) Amount: 50 烃多玩YY皇室修真礼包 (0) Amount: 60 烄多玩YY贵族真礼包 (0) Amount: 40 烅多玩YY骑士修真礼包 (0) Amount: 30 烎新浪修真礼包 (1+) Amount: 50 烏网易修真礼包 (1+) Amount: 40
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Amount: 40
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Recipe: 2016劳动节传送石 | |
Probability to create: 100.00% |
奇乐冒险王国: 351 546 (3) 奇乐冒险王国: 349 546 (3) |
Recipe: 2016劳动节传送石1 | |
Probability to create: 100.00% |
奇乐冒险王国: 351 546 (3) 奇乐冒险王国: 349 546 (3) |
Recipe: 传送石兑换 | |
Gold: 1.200 Probability to create: 100.00% |
帮派副本: 546 620 (5) 帮派副本: 405 705 (3) |
Recipe: 传送石兑换 | |
Gold: 1.200 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 传送石兑换 | |
Gold: 1.200 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 传送石兑换 | |
Gold: 1.200 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 传送石兑换 | |
Gold: 1.200 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 传送石兑换 | |
Gold: 1.200 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 传送石兑换 | |
Gold: 1.200 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 传送石兑换 | |
Gold: 1.200 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 传送石兑换 | |
Gold: 1.200 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 传送石兑换 | |
Gold: 1.200 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 传送石兑换 | |
Gold: 1.200 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 传送石兑换 | |
Gold: 1.200 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 传送石兑换 | |
Gold: 1.200 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 传送石兑换 | |
Gold: 1.200 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 传送石兑换 | |
Gold: 1.200 Probability to create: 100.00% |