Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: 基本項目

Price: 1 / 1
Stacked: 999


Award from quest

僉成人礼·曦思故乡我思曦 (50+)
僊成人礼·辞别长老踏征程 (50+)
僋成人礼·面露难色藏隐情 (50+)
僌成人礼·殇之汐隐 (50+)
働成人礼·惊天秘密震人心 (50+)
僎成人礼·神奇之物从何来 (50+)
像成人礼·如此后果谁曾想 (50+)
僑成人礼·恨浸入汐 (50+)
億成人礼·血染汐阳 (50+)
縤履霜魔影(首次) (50 - 69) Amount: 10

Show All Quests

Used in craft for following items

☆血染荣耀重盔 (55)
Recipe: 2014低级势力头盔重01生产
Amount needed: 8

☆雾隐利刃轻盔 (55)
Recipe: 2014低级势力头盔轻01生产
Amount needed: 8

☆仙舞流莺法帽 (55)
Recipe: 2014低级势力头盔法01生产
Amount needed: 8

☆血染荣耀披风 (55)
Recipe: 2014低级势力披风重01生产
Amount needed: 8

☆雾隐利刃披风 (55)
Recipe: 2014低级势力披风轻01生产
Amount needed: 8

☆仙舞流莺披风 (55)
Recipe: 2014低级势力披风法01生产
Amount needed: 8

☆血染荣耀腰佩 (55)
Recipe: 2014低级势力腰佩重01生产
Amount needed: 8

☆雾隐利刃腰饰 (55)
Recipe: 2014低级势力腰佩轻01生产
Amount needed: 8

☆仙舞流莺腰环 (55)
Recipe: 2014低级势力腰佩法01生产
Amount needed: 8

☆血染荣耀坠饰 (55)
Recipe: 2014低级势力项链重01生产
Amount needed: 8

Show All recipes Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 古天鹰 54 履霜秘境
432 571 (33)
, weak 水 534419 56.2500
2 狮万军 53 履霜秘境
416 563 (33)
, weak 水 452365 56.2500
3 虎万军 53 履霜秘境
378 544 (33)
, weak 木 441644 56.2500
4 龙万军 54 履霜秘境
422 536 (33)
, weak 水 466419 56.2500 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!