Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: 基本項目

Price: 1 / 1
Stacked: 999


Award from quest

׌金之精华 (63+)
檾《完美风物志》 (62+)
櫽怨灵扰动 (70+)
縦天劫魔影(首次) (65 - 79) Amount: 6
縧天劫魔影(每日) (65 - 79) Amount: 2
縨怨灵之门魔影(首次) (65 - 89) Amount: 8
縩怨灵之门魔影(每日) (65 - 89) Amount: 3
绉不稳定的辟心之玉 (0)

Used in craft for following items

☆兽王咆哮重盔 (70)
Recipe: 2014低级势力头盔重02生产
Amount needed: 8

☆黯夜杀罚轻盔 (70)
Recipe: 2014低级势力头盔轻02生产
Amount needed: 8

☆无量救赎法帽 (70)
Recipe: 2014低级势力头盔法02生产
Amount needed: 8

☆兽王咆哮披风 (70)
Recipe: 2014低级势力披风重02生产
Amount needed: 8

☆黯夜杀罚披风 (70)
Recipe: 2014低级势力披风轻02生产
Amount needed: 8

☆无量救赎披风 (70)
Recipe: 2014低级势力披风法02生产
Amount needed: 8

☆兽王咆哮腰佩 (70)
Recipe: 2014低级势力腰佩重02生产
Amount needed: 8

☆黯夜杀罚腰饰 (70)
Recipe: 2014低级势力腰佩轻02生产
Amount needed: 8

☆无量救赎腰环 (70)
Recipe: 2014低级势力腰佩法02生产
Amount needed: 8

☆兽王咆哮坠饰 (70)
Recipe: 2014低级势力项链重02生产
Amount needed: 8

Show All recipes Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 冥府牛头 75 怨灵之门
430 525 (33)
, weak 土 1331132 10.0000
2 冥府马面 75 怨灵之门
413 526 (34)
, weak 土 1331132 10.0000
3 冥蛇王 71 怨灵之门
387 546 (33)
, weak 土 686467 10.0000
4 噬人心魔 72 怨灵之门
429 571 (34)
, weak 水 704277 10.0000
5 水邪 72 怨灵之门
425 550 (33)
, weak 火 722356 10.0000
6 牵脊 65 天劫谷
449 508 (31)
, weak 土 953950 10.0000
7 獬豸 65 天劫谷
393 509 (31)
, weak 水 953950 10.0000
8 紫貘 65 天劫谷
370 577 (32)
, weak 火 953950 10.0000
9 蕴象 65 天劫谷
447 588 (28)
, weak 金 953950 10.0000
10 饕餮 65 天劫谷
368 506 (32)
, weak 木 953950 10.0000 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!