辰光天幻·昼颜歌 ▼ | |
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Type: 配飾
Subtype: 戒指 / 宝石指环 Used by character(s): someclasstoupdate2, someclass, 月仙, 夜影, 魅灵, 剑灵, 羽灵, 羽芒, 刺客, 妖兽, 妖精, 巫师, 法师, 武侠 LV. 17 Magical attack 200 Level Required: 100 Price: 66.300 / 132.600 Stacked: 1 天幕高悬, 太阳与众星辰冉冉升起, 这拂晓的辰光,这温和的天气, 万物充满了希冀。 ——《昼颜歌》 Destroyed to: 5
Used in craft for following items
Items Addons:Amount:3+ 体质 +8~14 - 16.67% 攻击等级 +3~6 - 16.67% 防御等级 +3~6 - 16.67% 致命一击率 +3~5% - 16.67% 吟唱时间 7~9% - 16.67% - 16.67% |
Item can be crafted
Recipe: 17品3阶法系戒指升级 | |
Gold: 50.000.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
完美大陆-西陆: 365 585 (11) 完美大陆-西陆: 332 617 (11) |
Recipe: 17P戒指_3档法重铸 | |
Gold: 1.500.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
完美大陆-西陆: 365 585 (11) 完美大陆-西陆: 332 617 (11) |
Recipe: 戒指物换法三档 | |
Gold: 500.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
完美大陆-西陆: 365 585 (11) 完美大陆-西陆: 332 617 (11) |