Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: 原料
Subtype: 基本材料 / 木材类

Price: 1 / 1.440
Stacked: 100


Can be purchased in Item Mall (Alt + O in game)


Tab: 其它 - 矿产

Price: 3 Gold

Amount: 25

Award from quest

९交还树根 (70+) Amount: 15

Used in craft for following items

☆龟灵护腕 (54)
Recipe: 安神护腕
Amount needed: 1

☆玄黄护腕 (64)
Recipe: 真定护腕
Amount needed: 2

☆龟灵裤 (53)
Recipe: 龟灵裤
Amount needed: 2

☆玄黄裤 (63)
Recipe: 玄黄裤
Amount needed: 3

☆龟灵袍 (50)
Recipe: 守护袍
Amount needed: 2

☆玄黄袍 (60)
Recipe: 无畏袍
Amount needed: 3

☆暮雨冠 (51)
Recipe: 暮雨冠
Amount needed: 2

☆映彤冠 (61)
Recipe: 映彤冠
Amount needed: 2

☆玄黄履 (66)
Recipe: 凤仪履
Amount needed: 2

☆龟灵履 (56)
Recipe: 蹑丝履
Amount needed: 2

Show All recipes

Harvest from


夺宝宝箱 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
᷶群芳髓 0 8 Required to finish quest
᷷剑南春 0 10 Required to finish quest
ᥝ中级裁缝 50+ 10 Required to finish quest
ઃ学习四级裁缝技能 0 20 Required to finish quest
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 仙幻守卫 91 - , weak 金 265797 0.3806
2 仙幻守卫 89 - , weak 金 242397 0.3734
3 怒放桃精 50 - , weak 金 10176 0.0676
4 妖虎狙击王 49 完美大陆-中陆
341 601 (52)
, weak 木 7403 0.0600
5 盛开桃精 49 - , weak 金 9394 0.0600
6 痴狂绿萼 48 - , weak 金 8373 0.0590
7 轻狂绿萼 47 - , weak 金 8102 0.0579
8 初放桃精 46 - , weak 金 7835 0.0569
9 碧月金鲳 20 完美大陆-中陆
178 199 (21)
No elements 40260 0.0561
10 衔草灵蛇 15 完美大陆-中陆
170 255 (24)
, weak 金 875 0.0561
11 铁树怪 42 - , weak 金 8072 0.0541
12 铜树怪 40 - , weak 金 7492 0.0524
13 情人之刺 39 - , weak 金 6554 0.0458
14 欲望之刺 38 - , weak 金 6098 0.0450 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!