Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: 原料
Subtype: 基本材料 / 金属类

Price: 1 / 680
Stacked: 100


Can be purchased in Item Mall (Alt + O in game)


Tab: 其它 - 矿产

Price: 2 Gold

Amount: 20

Award from quest

᝜第3关 (0) Amount: 3
ឺ第3关 (0) Amount: 3
ោ第3关 (0) Amount: 3

Used in craft for following items

☆凝血袖甲 (44)
Recipe: 铁锁腕甲
Amount needed: 2

☆炼狱袖甲 (34)
Recipe: 银鳞腕甲
Amount needed: 1

☆紫金袖甲 (24)
Recipe: 英雄腕甲
Amount needed: 1

☆凝血腿甲 (43)
Recipe: 云摆胫甲
Amount needed: 3

☆炼狱腿甲 (33)
Recipe: 踏浪胫甲
Amount needed: 2

☆紫金腿甲 (23)
Recipe: 紫金胫甲
Amount needed: 1

☆紫金战甲 (20)
Recipe: 紫金胸甲
Amount needed: 1

☆炼狱战甲 (30)
Recipe: 炼狱金甲
Amount needed: 2

☆凝血战甲 (40)
Recipe: 凝血战甲
Amount needed: 3

☆五遁盔 (21)
Recipe: 五遁盔
Amount needed: 1

Show All recipes

Harvest from







蛇岛宝箱 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
ᷴ竹叶青 0 2 Required to finish quest
᷵女儿红 0 8 Required to finish quest
ᝥ扩建祖龙城 20+ 2 Required to finish quest
ᝤ扩建祖龙城 20+ 2 Required to finish quest
ॏ铁匠的请求 102+ 3 Required to finish quest
ؚ学习二级铁匠技能 0 5 Required to finish quest
؜学习三级铁匠技能 0 10 Required to finish quest
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 鬼冢邪塔 30 青衣冢
404 559 (34)
, weak 火 12513 0.8747
2 鬼冢明灯 30 青衣冢
405 556 (34)
, weak 火 10706 0.1410
3 浅海霸道蟹 37 - , weak 火 5154 0.1405
4 浅海横行蟹 36 - , weak 火 4946 0.1378
5 Without Name 29 - , weak 火 19694 0.0918
6 Without Name 29 - , weak 火 19694 0.0918
7 Without Name 29 - , weak 火 19694 0.0918
8 Without Name 29 - , weak 火 19694 0.0918
9 Without Name 29 - , weak 火 19694 0.0918
10 Without Name 29 - , weak 火 19694 0.0918
11 Without Name 29 - , weak 火 19694 0.0918
12 Without Name 29 - , weak 火 19694 0.0918
13 Without Name 29 - , weak 火 19694 0.0918
14 Without Name 29 - , weak 火 19694 0.0918
15 Without Name 29 - , weak 火 19694 0.0918
16 Without Name 29 - , weak 火 19694 0.0918
17 Without Name 29 - , weak 火 19694 0.0918
18 Without Name 29 - , weak 火 19694 0.0918
19 群怪1 29 - , weak 火 1969400 0.0918
20 群怪2 150 - , weak 火 1969499 0.0918
21 豪鸟 29 完美大陆-中陆
429 536 (34)
, weak 火 13694 0.0918
22 骄虫飞奴 27 完美大陆-中陆
455 461 (28)
, weak 火 3073 0.0849
23 巡天飞奴 25 完美大陆-中陆
597 731 (25)
, weak 火 2752 0.0801
24 巡海飞奴 21 - , weak 火 2154 0.0728
25 巡野飞奴 19 完美大陆-中陆
189 520 (30)
, weak 火 1881 0.0581
26 火山飞奴 19 - , weak 火 1881 0.0581
27 蝉翼飞奴 19 完美大陆-中陆
285 487 (59)
, weak 火 1881 0.0581
28 露宿飞奴 19 - , weak 火 1881 0.0581
29 薄翼飞奴 18 完美大陆-中陆
289 435 (34)
, weak 火 1752 0.0571
30 雪山飞奴 18 - , weak 火 1752 0.0571
31 风餐飞奴 18 完美大陆-中陆
189 521 (29)
, weak 火 1752 0.0571 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!