Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: 原料
Subtype: 基本材料 / 能源类

Price: 1 / 680
Stacked: 100


Can be purchased in Item Mall (Alt + O in game)


Tab: 其它 - 矿产

Price: 2 Gold

Amount: 20

Used in craft for following items

☆疾电戒 (48)
Recipe: 疾电戒
Amount needed: 3

☆掠虹戒 (38)
Recipe: 掠虹戒
Amount needed: 2

☆象牙戒 (28)
Recipe: 象牙戒
Amount needed: 1

☆天师剑 (24)
Recipe: 天师令剑
Amount needed: 2

☆日月钺 (29)
Recipe: 钺刀
Amount needed: 3

☆摇光剑 (34)
Recipe: 太虚之剑
Amount needed: 4

☆降魔杵 (39)
Recipe: 降魔杵
Amount needed: 5

☆达摩剑 (44)
Recipe: 摇光之剑
Amount needed: 6

☆明王轮 (49)
Recipe: 明王轮
Amount needed: 7

Without Name
Recipe: 剑魂一级
Amount needed: 5

Show All recipes

Harvest from




蛇岛宝箱 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
ᷴ竹叶青 0 2 Required to finish quest
᷵女儿红 0 8 Required to finish quest
ᝦ扩建祖龙城 20+ 2 Required to finish quest
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 鬼冢邪火 30 青衣冢
403 552 (35)
, weak 水 8759 0.7009
2 指引明灯 35 - , weak 水 4849 0.1356
3 火精侍女 35 完美大陆-中陆
467 990 (73)
, weak 水 4849 0.1356
4 护法明灯 33 完美大陆-中陆
655 772 (39)
, weak 水 4287 0.1328
5 守灵明灯 31 完美大陆-中陆
568 783 (39)
, weak 水 3908 0.1298
6 火精女奴 31 完美大陆-中陆
466 952 (72)
, weak 水 3908 0.1298
7 迷走明灯 31 完美大陆-中陆
646 771 (38)
, weak 水 3908 0.1298
8 喻世明灯 30 完美大陆-中陆
596 781 (34)
, weak 水 3724 0.1270
9 地狱之光 30 完美大陆-中陆
567 785 (37)
, weak 水 3724 0.1270
10 怨灵之光 26 - , weak 水 2910 0.0823
11 欲火 20 - , weak 水 44751 0.0696
12 汽油喷灯 20 - , weak 水 44751 0.0696 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!