Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: 武器
Subtype: 斧锤 / 长锤
Close Range
LV. 11
Attack Speed 0.91
Attack Range 3.5
Physical attack 598-1110

Str required 263
Agi required 48

Level Required: 87

Price: 57.880 / 115.760
Stacked: 1

Craft Rate with 1 socket(s): 90%
Craft Rate with 2 socket(s): 10%

Drop rate with 1 socket(s): 90%
Drop rate with 2 socket(s): 10%

Decompose to: 16 完美石 (Price: 80.000)

Destroyed to: 8 完美石

Items Addons:


物理攻击上限 +94

力量 +10~11

击晕:一定机率将对方击晕3秒。 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Item can be crafted
Recipe: 帝蛮锤

高级木料 (35)

初级合金钢 (35)

刚玉粉 (35)

初级焦炭 (35)


Probability to create: 100.00%


完美大陆-中陆: 522 628 (23) Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!