Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: 原料
Subtype: 基本材料 / 皮革

Price: 1 / 1.450
Stacked: 100


Can be purchased in Item Mall (Alt + O in game)


Tab: 其它 - 材料

Price: 5 Gold

Amount: 60

Award from quest

ᮞ吉祥礼包 (0)
ᮠ古旧金漆盒 (0) Amount: 20
ᮡ匠心宝箱 (0) Amount: 20

Used in craft for following items

Recipe: 四级精金配方
Amount needed: 2

☆凤翔 (92)
Recipe: 灭影之弓
Amount needed: 12

☆落凤 (95)
Recipe: 射日弩
Amount needed: 13

☆龙现 (102)
Recipe: 墨雨之弓
Amount needed: 15

☆元戎 (105)
Recipe: 落凤弩
Amount needed: 16

☆羽魂 (112)
Recipe: 飘渺之弓
Amount needed: 18

☆千仞 (115)
Recipe: 聚灵弩
Amount needed: 18

☆灭影 (122)
Recipe: 唳天之弓
Amount needed: 21

☆万钧 (125)
Recipe: 千仞弩
Amount needed: 22

☆逐光 (132)
Recipe: 回天之弓
Amount needed: 24

Show All recipes Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 魔域守卫 99 魔域桃源
359 561 (16)
, weak 水 367463 13.7980
2 桃逐月 102 魔域桃源
420 515 (17)
No elements 275417 3.1296
3 魔灵圣母 98 魔界
487 515 (48)
, weak 火 54402 3.1233
4 凤凰于飞 108 仙界
346 498 (31)
, weak 土 68019 3.0941
5 桃飘雪 102 魔域桃源
392 549 (16)
No elements 225341 3.0941
6 锦衣仙豹 104 仙界
319 609 (21)
No elements 76189 3.0836
7 幽冥牛头 109 魔界
358 628 (26)
No elements 84932 3.0727
8 北冥使 96 仙界
452 595 (19)
, weak 土 51910 3.0648
9 魔狱兽 96 魔界
416 510 (27)
, weak 木 63445 3.0648
10 九尾仙狐 106 仙界
355 565 (20)
, weak 土 79612 3.0582
11 暗翼 110 魔界
362 580 (34)
No elements 70981 3.0511
12 魔界幽浮 95 魔界
426 486 (27)
, weak 火 61957 3.0348
13 赏善使 93 仙界
472 526 (26)
, weak 金 48311 2.9869
14 魔冲兽 92 魔界
331 513 (25)
, weak 金 57626 2.9606
15 魔焚天 92 魔界
361 487 (27)
, weak 水 47148 2.9606
16 桃源灵狐 99 魔域桃源
398 572 (16)
, weak 水 257224 2.5615
17 天狱金蟾 98 天界炼狱
378 533 (61)
, weak 土 621803 2.5440
18 桃源三足鸟 98 魔域桃源
396 567 (16)
, weak 木 251337 2.5440
19 桃源花兽 99 魔域桃源
406 583 (16)
, weak 金 210456 1.9752
20 桃源兔妖 101 魔域桃源
384 541 (16)
, weak 土 269263 1.9348
21 桃源猫妖 102 魔域桃源
422 512 (16)
, weak 土 225341 0.6420
22 天狱恐兽 102 天界炼狱
364 587 (61)
, weak 木 690893 0.6345
23 魔界巡检 97 魔界
321 492 (51)
, weak 土 53146 0.6338
24 光明使 91 仙界
476 476 (20)
, weak 水 46003 0.6010
25 天狱陆行龙 100 天界炼狱
365 532 (61)
, weak 水 621803 0.3109 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!