Time10 - 20 sec. Uninterruptable
Max amount of gatherers10
0.00% probability to get 1 item(s) 100.00% probability to get 1 item(s) Items
破军之元四阶 (Rate:13.00%)
破阵之元四阶 (Rate:13.00%)
长生之元四阶 (Rate:13.00%)
完璧之元四阶 (Rate:13.00%)
玄魂之元四阶 (Rate:13.00%)
玄命之元四阶 (Rate:14.00%)
破军精元四阶 (Rate:3.00%)
破阵精元四阶 (Rate:3.00%)
长生精元四阶 (Rate:3.00%)
完璧精元四阶 (Rate:3.00%)
玄魂精元四阶 (Rate:3.00%)
玄命精元四阶 (Rate:3.00%)
Can be found after killing
紫貘 (65)
Rate: 50%
蕴象 (65)
Rate: 50%
牵脊 (65)
Rate: 50%
獬豸 (65)
Rate: 50%
饕餮 (65)
Rate: 50%
狮万军 (53)
Rate: 50%
龙万军 (54)
Rate: 50%
虎万军 (53)
Rate: 50%