Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!

Hello message

亲爱的完美子民您好, 欢迎进入完美世界! 我是完美世界奖品发放使者, 凡是要领取活动与产品包的奖品, 都是请找我哦! 请先接下符合您领奖项目的任务, 接下任务后, 再给我任务相对应的兑奖券, 即可获得奖品哦!

Main Info

Storage access service: No

Sell items: No

Crafting service: Yes

Repair Items: No

Decompose items service: No

Identify item service: No

Install stone service: No

Learn Skill service: No

Genie Learn skill: No

Pet service: No

Teleporting service: No

Reset stats service: No

Equipment bind service: No

Engraving service: No

Territory Regent: No


完美大陆-中陆: 433 885 (27)

完美大陆-中陆: 249 649 (25)

完美大陆-中陆: 528 654 (22)

完美大陆-中陆: 346 409 (22)

Display mode


Activate Quests

Crafting service

Page: 1 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!