Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!

Hello message

无论谁的心中都有黑暗, 笑脸下面藏着恶魔, 怨恨最终会使这个世界血流成河。 这世间所有的怨恨都在那扇门后, 在打开门的一瞬间, 就会释放恨的本能。 只要人的心中还有黑暗, 我就会一直存在在这个世上……

Main Info

Storage access service: No

Sell items: No

Crafting service: No

Repair Items: No

Decompose items service: No

Identify item service: No

Install stone service: No

Learn Skill service: No

Genie Learn skill: No

Pet service: No

Teleporting service: No

Reset stats service: No

Equipment bind service: No

Engraving service: No

Territory Regent: No


龙隐窟: 415 581 (3)

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Activate Quests Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!