Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Arten: Rüstung
Unterarten: Helm / Arkaner Helm
Used by character(s): someclasstoupdate2, someclass, Sturmrufer, Dämmerklingen, Mystiker, Sucher, Kleriker, Bogenschütze, Assassine, Biestkrieger, Vulperine, Mentalist, Zauberer, Champion
LV. 1

Benötigte Sträke 5

Mana +10
Benötigtes Level: 1

Preis: 66 / 580
Stacked: 1

Craft Rate with 0 socket(s): 91.2195%
Craft Rate with 1 socket(s): 3.4146%
Craft Rate with 2 socket(s): 3.4146%
Craft Rate with 3 socket(s): 1.6585%
Craft Rate with 4 socket(s): 0.2927%

Drop rate with 0 socket(s): 93.5%
Drop rate with 1 socket(s): 4%
Drop rate with 2 socket(s): 1.5%
Drop rate with 3 socket(s): 1%

Items Addons:


Metall-Widerstand: +15 - 5.52%

Holz-Widerstand: +15 - 5.52%

Wasser-Widerstand: +15 - 5.52%

Feuer-Widerstand: +15 - 5.52%

Erd-Widerstand: +15 - 5.52%

Mana: +15 - 11.05%

Magie +1 - 4.42%

Vitalität +1 - 8.84%

Max. Haltbarkeit +25% - 7.37%

Anforderung -10% - 7.37%

Unidentifiziert +??? - 33.33% Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!