Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
䇃4. Preis

Need Team members

Level:70 - 90  Betrag:3 - 5  Auftrag:䇄4. Preis

Required to do

Get: Marke der Trophäe  Betrag:1


Gold: 0

Exp: 28554

SP: 6510

Reputation: 0

SP: 6510

Items Group

Betrag:15  Chosen randomly

Wohltuende Kugel - 15 (33%)

Dunkle Grüne Kugel - 15 (33%)

Kugel des Vibrierenden Lichts - 15 (34%)

zeit limit

30 sec.


Litsong - "Halluzination" 434 535(34)

Quest Info

Level: 70 - 90

Recieve by Team

Can give up

Repeatable after failure

Repeatable Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!