Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!


or: 0

Exp: 0

PE: 0

Réputation: 0

PE: 0

Items Group

montant:1  Chosen randomly

Galop écarlate (15%)

Destrier sombre (15%)

Zéphyr immaculé (15%)

Panthère agile (12%)

Polaris des neiges junior (12%)

Renne chromatique (5%)

Raptor vicieux (8%)

Renne Sika (5%)

Roi lion damné (1%)

Lion à crinière dorée (3%)

Kirin ancestral (1%)

Chubbs (8%)

Activated by using item(s):


Quest Info

Niveau: 0

Can't give up

Repeatable after failure

Repeatable Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!