Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Items: 斧槌類
Shown 1-20 of 20
#   Name Level LV.
1 錫の鋳型・双斧 0 0
2 銅の鋳型・双槌 0 0
3 鉄の鋳型・双槌 0 0
4 金の鋳型・双槌 0 0
5 玉の鋳型・双槌 0 0
6 真鍮の鋳型・槌 0 0
7 銅の鋳型・槌 0 0
8 鉄の鋳型・槌 0 0
9 金の鋳型・槌 0 0
10 真鍮の鋳型・双槌 0 0
11 玉の鋳型・斧 0 0
12 銅の鋳型・双斧 0 0
13 鉄の鋳型・双斧 0 0
14 金の鋳型・双斧 0 0
15 玉の鋳型・双斧 0 0
16 真鍮の鋳型・斧 0 0
17 銅の鋳型・斧 0 0
18 鉄の鋳型・斧 0 0
19 金の鋳型・斧 0 0
20 玉の鋳型・槌 0 0
Shown 1-20 of 20 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!