Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: Basic Items

Price: 100 / 500
Stacked: 9999


Used in craft for following items

☆紅竜尾の刀 (90)
Recipe: 新ダンジョンLv90刀1
Amount needed: 10

☆悪魔の刀 (90)
Recipe: 新ダンジョンLv90刀2
Amount needed: 8

☆デスピアブレード (90)
Recipe: 新ダンジョンLv90双剣
Amount needed: 8

☆悪魔の双斧 (90)
Recipe: 新ダンジョンLv90双斧3
Amount needed: 8

☆バッサクランス (90)
Recipe: 新ダンジョンLv90槍2
Amount needed: 8

☆天空星の大弓 (90)
Recipe: 新ダンジョンLv90大弓1
Amount needed: 8

☆サクラ切 (90)
Recipe: 黄昏Lv90緑双刃03
Amount needed: 8

☆月山珠 (90)
Recipe: 黄昏Lv90緑魂玉03
Amount needed: 8

☆龍刀·逆刃 (90)
Recipe: 黄昏90緑朧刀01
Amount needed: 8

☆星刃辰暝 (90)
Recipe: 黄昏90黄金朧刀
Amount needed: 10

Show All recipes Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 古の悪魔・ウォーデン 150 -Twilight Temple-
400 529 (3)
No elements 4200000 24.0964 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!