Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: Basic Items

Price: 100 / 500
Stacked: 9999


Used in craft for following items

☆妖族の双斧 (99)
Recipe: 新ダンジョンLv99双斧2
Amount needed: 8

☆魔界の双斧 (99)
Recipe: 新ダンジョンLv99双斧5
Amount needed: 8

☆流星の大弓 (99)
Recipe: 新ダンジョンLv99大弓3
Amount needed: 8

☆炎龍切 (99)
Recipe: 黄昏Lv99緑双刃01
Amount needed: 8

☆魂喰切 (99)
Recipe: 黄昏Lv99緑双刃04
Amount needed: 8

☆星羅珠 (99)
Recipe: 黄昏Lv99緑魂玉01
Amount needed: 8

☆青天珠 (99)
Recipe: 黄昏Lv99緑魂玉04
Amount needed: 8

☆青刃廉貞 (99)
Recipe: 黄昏99緑月鎌01
Amount needed: 8

☆懸天北斗 (99)
Recipe: 黄昏99緑月鎌04
Amount needed: 8 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 ランギト・無 150 -Twilight Temple-
435 557 (4)
Metal, weak Fire 2906773 18.4356
2 ランギト 150 -Twilight Temple-
435 557 (4)
Metal, weak Fire 581355 16.6667 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!