Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: Basic Items

Price: 100 / 10.000
Stacked: 100


Used in craft for following items

☆慈雨の双剣 (85)
Recipe: 霜降金Lv85武器
Amount needed: 10

☆五月雨斬の刀 (85)
Recipe: 霜降金Lv85武器
Amount needed: 10

☆鎮撫の双槌 (85)
Recipe: 霜降金Lv85武器
Amount needed: 10

☆太古の斧 (85)
Recipe: 霜降金Lv85武器
Amount needed: 10

☆光陰の矛 (85)
Recipe: 霜降金Lv85武器
Amount needed: 10

☆碧水の槍 (85)
Recipe: 霜降金Lv85武器
Amount needed: 10

☆雲霧の弓 (85)
Recipe: 霜降金Lv85武器
Amount needed: 10

☆月影の大弓 (85)
Recipe: 霜降金Lv85武器
Amount needed: 10

☆失念の短杖 (85)
Recipe: 霜降金Lv85武器
Amount needed: 10

☆光炎の杖 (85)
Recipe: 霜降金Lv85武器
Amount needed: 10

Show All recipes Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
┛亡霊を奉る 150 1 Required to finish quest
⓶五徳の魂 150 2 Required to finish quest
⓵五徳の魂 150 1 Required to finish quest
Item can be crafted
Recipe: 道の紋章


道の破片 (7)

Probability to create: 100.00%


-Frostcovered City-: 429 527 (25) Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!